23 - Say Yes

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say yes.



"Eommonim, is this okay?" Chaeyeon asked as Mrs. Choi tasted her food. "Hmm! It's delicious," She complimented which made Chaeyeon cracked a smile. After cooking, Beomgyu helped with the plating and he served them on the dining table.

"Eomma, I'll pick up dad downstairs," Beomgyu said as her mom nods. Chaeyeon joins Beomgyu's mom on the couch.

"Are you nervous?" Mrs. Choi asked as she held Chaeyeon's hands. She nods her head while biting the inside of her cheeks. Mrs. Choi chuckled as she pats her back. Soon, the sound of the door opening was heard, revealing Beomgyu and his father.

"Yeobo!!" The two elders ran to each other and did a hug. Chaeyeon bowed at Mr. Choi as Beomgyu stood next to the girl. The two cracked a smile seeing them hugging.

"Beom, who's the girl?" His dad wiggled his eyebrow at him. "Oh, she-"

"Annyeonghaseyo abeonim, Jung Chaeyeon ibnida," Chaeyeon bowed as Mr. Choi nods his head.

"She's pretty.." He whispered to his wife. "I told you right!!" Mrs. Choi exclaimed.

"Just like you~" He teased her. "Aigoo, not in front of the kids.." Mrs. Choi got embarrassed as they laughed.

"Come on, she cooks breakfast!" Mrs. Choi escorted her husband to the dining room. "Yah, it smells delicious!" Mr. Choi exclaimed as he and Mrs. Choi sat down, followed by the couple. He took his bite and his eyes sparkled, due to the deliciousness of the food.

"It's delicious right?" Mrs. Choi asked as he nods. Everyone then joins the meal.

‧̍̊˙˚˙ᵕ꒳ᵕ˙˚˙  ˙˚˙ᵕ꒳ᵕ˙˚˙‧̍̊

"Are you sure it can hide your bump? Do you want to switch with mine?" Beomgyu asked as Chaeyeon wear her graduation robe. She laughed at his words, "No need, mine would look short on you."

She then did her hair and brought bobby pins with her to pin her graduation hat down. After finished with herself, she helped her boyfriend who was struggling to put on his hood. They then exited the room with their belongings.

"Wow, you guys.." Mrs. Choi was speechless, seeing the two on their graduation robe. They chuckled at her.

"Mom, Dad, we'll head first. See you both later," Beomgyu said as he and Chaeyeon exited the apartment. "Has the others arrived yet?" He asked as she nods. "They're downstairs already."

When they reached downstairs, they saw 2 white cars parked in front of the apartment. "Beom!! Here!!" Yeonjun waved his hands out of the window as they chuckled. Beomgyu went to Yeonjun's car as Chaeyeon went to Yeji's.

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