12 - Settle Down

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settle down.



"Eh? How could you get this right?" Chaeryeong asked as she took Soobin's math practice paper and compared it with hers. "I told you, you shouldn't have changed it," Soobin chuckled.

I slipped my practice paper between my books before walking up to them. "Chaeryeong! Soobin! Let's go!" I said as I smiled widely. "Go where?" Soobin asked.

"We're having that teen talk session remember?" I reminded as Charyeong's face changed from a confused face to a cheerful one. "Right! Let's skip! 땡땡이 치다!" She squealed. 

The 3 of us then walked out of the classroom and to the rooftop. "So refreshing here!" Soobin yelled as he spread out his arms on the air. "Let's call the others too~" Chaeryeong hummed as she took out her phone.

‧̍̊˙˚˙ᵕ꒳ᵕ˙˚˙  ˙˚˙ᵕ꒳ᵕ˙˚˙‧̍̊


"They haven't come yet?" I asked as I sat down next to Yeji. "Nope.." Yeji said.

"They're calling us to skip the session with them," Ryujin said as she checks her phone. "Let's go, I don't wanna be here too.." Chaeyeon said as she stood up from her seat and we followed her.

"Wait, how about their attendance? It's recorded, isn't it?" Beomgyu asked as we nod our heads. Chaeyeon thinks for a while before saying, "Gwaenchan-ha, Eunwoo's in charge of attendance. I could just ask him to record it and probably he's skipping too." 

"I'll get Yuna and Hueningkai," I said as Ryujin spoke, "I'll get Taehyun." I walked towards 11B's seat and searched Yuna and Hueningkai.

"Yuna! Hueningkai! Come here!" I called out. "Waeo noona?" Hueningkai asked as I replied, "We're skipping, let's go." The two gets excited and we walked back to the place where we met before.

"Let's go," Yeji said as we walked towards Eunwoo. "Lemme guess, 땡땡이?" He asked as Chaeyeon nods. "You too?" She asked back.

"Yea, right after this attendance. We'll go to the mall maybe.." Eunwoo said as he took a glance at his friends. "Hi Chae! Hi Yeji! Hi guys!" Moonbin waved at us as we waved back.

"who else's skipping?" Eunwoo asked as he flips a few papers on his clipboard.

"Soobin, Chaeryeong, Yeonjun," Yeji said as he nods, ticking off boxes written on the paper.

"Thank you, dude." We bid goodbyes with them as we rushed outside the auditorium and to the rooftop.

"Yay!! They're here!" Chaeryeong squealed as we sat down on the bench while gasping for air.

After a while, we were talking about sorts of things. Yuna and Hueningkai were bickering about their group project.

"No, don't use that topic!" Yuna complained as Kai responded, "Seriously! You've been rejecting all of my suggestions!"

"ugh fine, we'll use the 1st one.." Yuna groaned in defeat.

"You'll do the research then," Hueningkai said as he took out his phone.

"EXCUSE ME?! WE both need to do it," Yuna protested.

"fine fine.. but you'll have to do the PowerPoint too," Hueningkai said.

"yes, that I like, Hehehe.." Yuna smiled widely while doing her project on her laptop.

"aigoo, finally these 2 stop fighting." Yeonjun shook her head.

"how about you both,  are you guys in good terms now?" I asked Chaeyeon who's busy with her phone and Beomgyu who's looking at me.

"We are, right babe?" He wrapped his arm around Chaeyeon as she replied, "disgusting, don't babe me.."

"cheesy.." Ryujin said as she did a fist bump with Chae.

"yea yeah..." Beomgyu rolled his eyes.


After the teen talk session ends, we head back to class to take our belongings before going home. The girls went home one by one.

The 5 of us are supposed to hang out at Soobin's place but Hueningkai needs to go to Yuna's house to finish their project. So right now, we're waiting for him at a random mall.

"How did you manage to say sorry to her? She was so mad at you," I asked as Beomgyu replied, "I have my ways.." He was smiling at his phone.

"Beom.. Tell us.." I said as he sighed and replied, "I told her I love her.."

"Hyung, you really love her?" Taehyun asked as he nods his head.

"Remember this Gyu, you hurt her, don't be surprised if we're taking her side.." Yeonjun said as he chews at his food and point at Beomgyu. "Geez.. I won't.." Beomgyu let out a small chuckle while still smiling at his phone.

"Let's be honest, Chaeyeon noona is the best girlfriend that Hyung ever had," Taehyun slurped his tapioca pearls. "Yeah, because she keeps on buying you guys snacks.." I scoffed.

"No, other than that.. She's actually a fun person to be with," Taehyun said as we both agreed. "Yeah yeah.." Beomgyu mumbled.

"Yah, who are you talking to?" I asked as I slightly kicked Beomgyu's feet to get his attention. He averted his gaze from his phone to me and responded, "Huh? I'm talking with Chaeyeon,"

"Aigoo.. No wonder you've been smiling like that since like forever," I chuckled as I nudge Yeonjun's arm. "Let's go, it's almost 8 pm," Beomgyu stood up and stretched his arms.

"Tae, call Yuna that we're going to her house to get Kai," Yeonjun said as he just nods.

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