My Name Is Alexander Hamilton

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Disclaimer/Summary - I do not own Hamilton and some details are not historically accurate. Philip isn't born yet, John doesn't die, and some other details may not be the same.

Alexander Hamilton and John Laurens are in love during the American Revolution, when their love could get them killed. 

 Alex's POV

I guess you can say that I have been through a lot during the nineteen years I've already been on this earth. I saw the destruction of my home, the death of my dear mother, and many other terrible things.

So I did the only thing I could do. I wanted a place to start anew, wipe the slate clean, become a different person.

I found myself in no place other than America. Talking to none other than a strange man named Aaron Burr.

" Talk less, smile more," he stated, his facial expression grim. I rolled my eyes. I had asked where the nearest bar was located, I desperately needed a drink. I had to get my mind off some things.

" Thank you for your time," I half-heartedly thanked the man. I guess I'm doing this myself. I turned around and stared down the street. People were walking here and there, going about their busy day, minding their own business.

Who should I ask for directions now? I glanced to my left and saw a young man around my age leaning against a wall, all alone. After a moment of contemplation, I decided to walk over.

When I did, he smiled kindly then stepped forward to greet me. " Hello, my name is Alexander Hamilton, do you have a second?" I asked politely.

" Yeah sure," he replied, casually reaching behind his head to fluff up his hair. I nodded and explained my dilemma. Suddenly he gasped and exclaimed, " Fortunately for you, my friend, I'm headed to the bar at this very moment. Would you care to join me?"

I thought for a minute. I hardly know this man, but how else am I going to get drunk?

" Sure, is anyone else going to be there?" I asked him. He shrugged. " Just a couple of friends." I nodded.

As we started to walk, he introduced himself as John Laurens. I found myself being quite drawn to John, he's very easy to talk to. I told him everything that had happened to me in the past few weeks, arriving in America, traveling, and much much more.

I think I may have even finally found a friend. 

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