For The Last Time

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 Aaron Burr's POV

My hands clenched into fists as I thought about everything that had gone down the day before. That asshole Alexander Hamilton would rather have that idiot Jefferson be president than I.

I wonder what has to be going through a person's head to make them think like that. I am clearly the better choice, Thomas will lead this country to destruction, I have no doubt. And it will be all Alexander's fault.

That man continues to infuriate me beyond what should be humanly possible. I wish... I just wish there was some way I could just get rid of him. Imagine never having to look into Hamilton's fiery eyes again.

If only.

I wonder if he hates me just as much as I do him. No, that's impossible.

You know what, that's it.

I'm done. I'm done with waking up every morning and the only thing I could think about being

"What's going to happen with Alexander today?"

I'm tired of having to worry about his every move, thinking about him every waking moment. I stood up from my desk and made a decision.

I'm not going to do this anymore. I'll march right over to his house and put a stop to this madness.

I am done with Alexander Hamilton. 

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