Jefferson or Burr?

816 37 25

Alex's POV

I crossed my legs as I leaned back against my seat, trying to stay awake. I had gotten little sleep last night, and now I had to sit through Thomas Jefferson's speech about why I should vote for him over Aaron Burr.

"So choose me, and together we shall bring America to greatness!"

I rolled my eyes. It was still better than Burr's speech though. When Thomas finally sat back down, I got up to leave, only to feel a hand grab the back of my elbow.

"Wait a second, Alexander."

I slowly spun around, trying to act as polite as possible. " Yes Jefferson?" I asked sweetly. He looked a bit nervous.

" Can we walk?" He muttered under his breath. Haha this is funny. Thomas is afraid to be seen with me.

I raised an eyebrow, then nodded. Together we left the building and entered out into the street.

"You're walking me home," I stated. Thomas looked as if he wanted to argue, but just thought better of it and stayed silent.

As we walked, Thomas began to talk.

"So as you know, I need your vote." I nodded. Yes, I did know that.

"If you favor me over Burr, we can both work together to build a country the world can be proud of."

I honestly didn't really care much for what Jefferson had to say, but there was one question I had to ask myself.

Who would I rather choose, Jefferson or Burr?

We stopped in front of my house and I immediately began to walk away towards the door.

I heard Thomas call from behind me, " So do you pick me?"

I rolled my eyes once again before spinning around and yelling, " Yes, now go away!"

Then I opened the front door, stepped inside my house, and slammed it shut, leaving Thomas standing in the road. 

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