May I Have This Dance?

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 Alex's POV

I carefully placed my hand on Eliza's hip and one on her shoulder, as she wrapped her arms around my neck. Together the two of us started slowly swaying to the music. Truth be told, I have no idea how to dance. I've never tried. However, I could tell that Eliza must have practiced because she was moving as if she had done this a million times before.

Maybe it was a bit strange for me to be dancing with a complete stranger, I mean, I wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for John. Wait. Now that I think about it, where is John?

I quickly scanned the room, trying not to move my head too much. I didn't want Eliza to think I was nervous or anything like that. I care a lot for first impressions.

As I looked around, John was nowhere to be seen. Would he just leave without even telling me? That doesn't sound like him. It didn't take long for me to start getting worried. What if something terrible was happening to him, and I wasn't there to help?

I sighed and then slowly brought my dancing to a halt. I had to make sure Laurens was okay. Oh right, Eliza's still here.

I placed my hand on hers. "I am truly sorry, but I have some business to attend to." Eliza gave me an understanding nod, and with that, I turned and ran across the ballroom, heading for the door.

I threw the door open and ran out into the street in search of John. I couldn't see him from where I was standing, so I walked forward a few paces and then climbed on top of a few milk crates for a higher vantage point.

That was when I finally found him. John was sitting on the ground with his head against the stone wall behind him. Why wasn't he celebrating with the rest of us?

I thought about whether or not I should approach him. He obviously left for a reason, but maybe he would like a little company?

I hope so because before I could stop myself, I walked over to him and sat down beside John.

" Hey," I said softly. He didn't answer. " What's wrong, John? Are you okay?"

Finally, John shrugged and said, " I just... never mind, it's stupid."

I shook my head. " I'm sure it isn't. You can always tell me what you're thinking, Laurens."

" Well, you seemed to get along so well with Eliza, Herc and Laf, I was just worried that we won't be as close anymore."

I felt my mouth drop open. John actually thought that he was being replaced? I slid closer to him, so our bodies were pretty much pressed up against each other's and placed an arm around his shoulders.

" John, I could never replace you. You're my best and closest friend and nothing will ever change that," I told him.

He still looked unconvinced. " Are you sure?" John asked, his voice shaking a bit. I leaned over, buried my face into his neck, and whispered, " One hundred percent." 

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