An Invitation

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 John's POV

By the time that Alex and I got home last night, it was almost dawn , and we were exhausted. I had collapsed in bed and slept until around late afternoon. I had been waiting for today for weeks now and so had many of my friends.

The Schuyler sisters were hosting a party at their mansion later tonight. Lafayette, Hercules, and I were all planning to attend, but I wanted to ask Alex to join us too.

So instead of just rolling over and going back to sleep, I climbed out of bed and got dressed quickly. Before I knew it, I was finished with everything I needed to do and began the brief walk to the building where Alexander was staying.

I'm actually very close with the sisters, especially the youngest of the three whose name is Peggy. She's a bit over the top, but fun to be around.

By then, I had reached Alex's home and knocked twice on the door, before stepping back.

Seconds later and the door opened to reveal Alex standing there, with bags under his eyes. He probably stayed up after we got back writing.

" Hey, John. Do you need anything?"

I shuffled my feet nervously before answering. " I was wondering if you wanted to join my friends and I at a party being held at the Schuylers' house."

I practically see the wheels churning in his brain as I wait for his answer.

Finally, he said, " Okay, I'll go. What time should I get there?"

" Around dusk."

" Sounds good."

Alexander flashed me a grateful smile before stepping back inside and saying a quiet goodbye. 

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