Take A Break

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Alex's POV

" Alexander?"

I was awoken from my dreams by the sound of my wife quietly calling my name. I raised an eyebrow questioningly. Eliza was standing in the doorway to our bedroom, her hands fidgeting nervously.

"Yes, Eliza?" I asked kindly. She sauntered across the room and took a seat next to me on our bed.

" Alexander, my sister, and I have been talking, and she suggested a brief vacation for the three of us." I sat up straighter.

" When is Angelica arriving?"

" Noon," she told me, a large smile on her face. Damn, Eliza hasn't looked this excited for months, she must be really looking forward to this.

I smiled halfheartedly. Of course, I was happy Angelica was coming, I just wasn't really in the right headspace for this kind of stuff right now.

As I stood up to get dressed I asked

her, " What time is it now?"

Eliza looked out the window before answering, " Around noon, she'll be here any moment now!" Coincidentally, just then there was a knock at the door.

Eliza leaped up, beaming, and ran to open the door. Before I knew it, Angelica was standing in our living room, the two sisters having a happy reunion.

As I watched them laugh and hug, I couldn't help but smile too. Then, Angelica noticed me. She immediately wrapped me in a tight hug, tears streaming down her face.

" I'm sorry for being so emotional, I'm just so happy to see you both again," she exclaimed as she dried her tears. Eliza nodded.

When everyone finally calmed down, Angelica and Eliza asked almost simultaneously, " You will be joining us right?"

I rubbed the back of my neck anxiously. " I would, I'm just so busy and have so much unfinished business to attend to," I mumbled quietly.

Their faces fell. " Alex, you have to learn to take a break sometimes," Angelica told me. I shrugged.

" I just can't go ladies, I really wish I could join you, don't get me wrong. I simply don't have the time right now," I argued. Eliza's shoulders slumped in disappointment and I almost reconsidered right then and there.

But what I said, that wasn't bullshit. I have too much work to do to be lying around all day on vacation. I gave them a sympathetic grimace.

" I understand," Angelica sighed. I nodded, hugged them both, then helped both sisters carry their things outside to where someone was waiting to take them to their destination.

As soon as the Schyluers were gone, I leaned back at my desk and thought to myself, " Finally. I'm alone." 

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