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John's POV

"John, wake your lazy ass up!" Herc screamed from outside my window.

I jolted awake and quickly leaped out of bed. Wait, what happened? Who screamed?

" Open that door!" Came from outside my window again. Oh. It was Hercules and Lafayette. I sighed as I made my way to the door to let them in. "Finally," Laf complained when I let them in.

I rolled my eyes at their impatience. "Anyways, are you ready to go?" Hercules asked. I looked up.

"What do you mean?"

"We talked about it last week. The three of us are going drinking with Alexander."



I told them I needed to go get changed and I would meet them there. After Herc and Laf left, I ran to my room and quickly pulled on some comfortable, but nice clothes.

I thought about combing my hair, but I didn't for the fear it might make me late. It's kind of embarrassing how much time I put into my hair some days.

A few minutes later I left, running a hand through my hair every few seconds. I would hate to look like I just woke up, even though that was the truth. When I arrived at the bar, I could hear yelling coming from inside. The blood drained from my face as I rushed for the door; wondering what was going on.

Two men were sitting in the back of the bar, looking as if they were about to get into a fight.

"Go fuck yourself, Michael!" One of them yelled, before standing up and storming out of the building. I just shook my head and turned to where my friends were sitting.

Laf looked a bit disappointed, as if he was hoping they would start throwing punches. " Oh hey, Laurens," Alex said, just noticing my presence. He then patted the empty seat next to him.

Aww, he saved me a seat!

"Hello, Alexander," I said as I sat down next to him.

Lafayette began to tell some lengthy story about this man who he saw yelling at his wife on the way here. But the only thing I could focus on was the man sitting on the bench next to me. I wanted to hold his hand, but I didn't dare risk it.

Alex turned his head to smile at me, and I felt my face heat up. As we sipped our beers, I could feel Alex's eyes watching me, and I wasn't sure how to feel. I guess I like that he's looking at me, but will anyone notice?

I'm probably just being overdramatic. Nobody cares if he's staring at me.

I placed my head in my hand as I tried to pay attention to what Laf was saying. This was going to be hard. 

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