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Alex's POV

I arrived at the Schuylers' house precisely at dusk, following John's instructions. I knocked loudly on the door and jumped back in surprise when it was immediately flung open. Standing in front of me was a girl looking to be around my age, wearing a blue silk dress. She smiled warmly at me and I found myself getting a bit caught up in her dark brownish black eyes.

Then I realized that I was just staring awkwardly at her, so I tried to introduce myself without stumbling over my words.

"Um, my name is Alexander Hamilton, but you can just call me Alex," I mumbled. She nodded and held out her hand for me to shake.

"Eliza Schuyler," she told me. Eliza opened the door a little more so I could step inside. When I stepped into the building, I was in awe of the amount of space there was. A few feet in front of me was a vast dance floor, and off to the side there was a snack table. Which was the same place where I found John waiting on me.

I grinned and nodded in thanks to Eliza, before making my way over to his side. I surprised him by tapping him on the shoulder when John was facing the other way. He leapt up into the air in shock, causing me to laugh uncontrollably.

"I hope I didn't keep you waiting long," I said when I had finally controlled my laughter. John shook his head.

"I just got here myself," my curly haired friend informed me. I grabbed some water off of the table and tapped John to let him know I would move and lean against the wall behind us. He nodded and decided to accompany me.

As we watched the cheerful couples twirling on the dance floor, I felt a sense of emptiness fill my chest. I tilted my head in confusion. What did I have to be sad about? I had a brilliant friend group, and a new purpose in life.

I glanced over at John and saw that he too had a thoughtful expression on his face. I wonder what he's thinking about....

John's POV

As Alex and I stood waiting for our friends, I couldn't help but stare at him from the corner of my eye. His hair was pulled up into a loose ponytail, and he was wearing all white with a golden brown jacket.

"John, Alexander! Over here!" a french voice called from towards the entrance. I jerked my head to the side and saw Hercules and Lafayette standing there next to the door.

Herc was waving wildly for us to join them. I turned to tell Alex, but he was already looking at me when I did. Together the two of us started to make our way over to our friends, but suddenly I heard a female voice call Alexander's name.

I stopped in my tracks and heard Alex do the same. We both looked up and saw none other than Eliza standing there, blushing.

"Yes?" Alex asked politely. Eliza giggled before summoning the courage to ask, "Alex, would you like to dance with me?"

Alex looked shocked, and he turned to me to see my reaction. Then he turned back to Eliza and simply replied with, "Sure."

As the two walked away together, I felt a strange feeling stirring in my chest. I was mad at... Eliza? But why would I be mad? I should be happy for Alex. He did just get asked to dance with one of the richest women in all of New York City.

I pondered over this unfamiliar feeling as I walked over to my friends and then continued to think about it as we all watched Alex and Eliza dance. Suddenly I had thought that completely shocked me.

I'm jealous. 

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