I Am So Into You

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 John's POV

After Alex and I had our little chat, he excused himself, saying that he had writing to do. It's honestly amazing how much that man writes, almost unnatural.

As I began the rather long home, I found myself having a while to think. I ran a hand through my curly hair as I turned my head up to the sky. I love to watch the stars in my free time. It calms me.

I kicked a stray pebble in my path as I walked, thinking about everything that had changed since just last year. Now I had actual friends, and I'm fighting for something important.

It wasn't much of a shock when my mind wandered to Alexander. He's really something, isn't he?

His hair is gorgeous, especially when he lets it down from that high ponytail it's always up in. How I would just love to run my hands through it...

I sighed. And the way Alex talks when he's passionate about something. It's truly a sight to see. He gets this look in his eyes and his whole face lights up. I could just sit and watch him for hours.

Suddenly I reached up and slapped myself lightly on the forehead. I can't be thinking about things like this! We're both men!

I could be killed for just voicing these thoughts out loud. But no matter what I did, there was just no denying it any longer.

I have feelings for Alex. And not just friend feelings, "I want to kiss you and fall asleep next to you" kind of feelings.

I'm in love with Alexander Hamilton. 

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