I Think I Love You

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John's POV

As I made my way through the busy streets of New York City, I was starting to wonder if I was doing the right thing. I felt like Alex and I needed to talk, but what would I say? He kissed me and I loved it. But surely I can't say that, he'll think I'm crazy.

But it was already too late, as I was currently standing in front of his house, ready to knock. Suddenly, the door swung open and there stood Alexander. He looked just as surprised to see me as I was him.

"John? What are you doing here?" he asked nervously.

" I thought we needed to talk," I answered slowly. What if he didn't want to talk? What if the kiss didn't even mean anything to him? Alex nodded and held the door open for me to come inside.

After we were both seated, Alex took charge of the conversation by starting with, " This is about the kiss, isn't it?" I sighed.

" Yes."

I took a deep breath and was about to open my mouth when Alex closed his eyes and blurted out, " I'm so sorry, I didn't even mean to kiss you, and I really liked it even though I know I shouldn't have. Please don't hate me?"

My eyes widened about to the size of two golf balls as I stared open-mouthed at my best friend. " You l-liked it?"

Alex's eyes began to water and he sniffled once or twice, then turned his head so I wouldn't be able to see him cry. I felt my heart skip a beat. He liked the kiss. So I did the only thing I could do.

I grabbed his face and pulled him around to face me. " I loved the kiss too," I whispered as I gazed into his shimmering eyes. Then I leaned forward and kissed him.

Alex immediately leaned into the kiss and wrapped his arms around me. We fell back further onto the couch as we held each other. After about a minute or two, he let go and simply looked down at me from his spot above me.

" I don't know what this feeling I have for you is, but it's one I've never had for anyone else before," I muttered truthfully. Alex smiled happily down at me.

" I think I love you, Alexander."

" I think I love you too, Laurens."

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