Watch The Blood And The Shit Spray

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Alex's POV

The sound of gunshots filled the air as we ran through the trees, ducking every chance we can for cover. We were called into battle with no warning, and I was still tired from being woken so early.

John was beside me, gripping his pistol so tightly his knuckles were turning white. He was just as terrified as I was. Suddenly, a sound louder than one I had ever witnessed exploded behind us, knocking me off my feet and flying several feet forward.

Screams filled my ears as everything went black. A few moments later I had regained my sight and quickly leaped back up. I spun around, searching everywhere for John.

To my horror, he was nowhere to be found. I felt like breaking down and crying, but I knew if I stopped moving for even a second, I would be dead.

So I ran on, shooting who I could, trying to get back to shelter. But the whole time there was one terrifying thought that just wouldn't leave my mind: What if Laurens is dead? 

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