Stay Alive

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Alex's POV

I think John might still be a bit mad about what happened. It was understandable of course. I mean, I went and got married to one of John's best friends without even telling him.

I was thinking about the happenings of yesterday when suddenly someone started banging on the front door. I sat up from my seat on the couch and walked over to the door, opening it to reveal an older man standing on my doorstep.

I raised an eyebrow suspiciously, but before I could say anything, the man started talking a million words per minute.

" There is a battle happening in Yorktown and they need reinforcements!"

Those were about the only words I could even make out. It took me a few seconds to really register what he had said.

" Wait, a battle in Yorktown?" I asked, feeling panicky. He nodded and replied, " They're saying that this could be the final battle of the war, the one that could make us or break us.

I nodded. " So I better get down there," I said to him. The man nodded. And that was all I needed to hear.


As I raced towards Yorktown on my horse, my thoughts were everywhere. Will I be too late? What if we lose? Everything would have been for nothing. Within an hour, I had reached Yorktown, and it looked as if all hell had broken loose.

Bodies, blood, and destruction littered my sight. I sighed as I grabbed my gun and ran forward in search of someone I know. It wasn't long before the enemy realized I was here. I could just imagine what was going through their minds.

Most of them were probably thinking something along the lines of: If this guy just got here, other reinforcements must be on their way.

I rushed forward and began firing off shots with my gun. Two British soldiers fell to their knees in front of me. I only smirked and turned my back on them. Just as I was making my way farther into the battlefield, I heard someone scream my name.

I felt all the blood drain from my face as I recognized the voice.


I turned on my heel, almost slipping, and ran towards the direction the scream had come from.

" John!" I yelled. " John!"

" Alex, over here," a small voice said from almost directly under me. My head snapped down to see John laying there, a gunshot wound in his upper thigh. I gasped and bent down to help him.

I wasn't about to waste time talking, so I just grabbed his arm, put it over my shoulders, and helped him up. Together, we hobbled over to a tree, a little ways away from the fighting. I propped him up against the tree and kneeled down in front of him.

"Laurens," I whispered, running my fingers through his soft hair. John gave me a weak smile.

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine. See?" John told me, as he attempted to stand up. Suddenly his eyes rolled back into his head, and he fell back to the ground, whimpering in pain. I felt my heartbreak a little, watching him suffer.

So I made a quick decision and picked him up bridal style. I'm not letting my Laurens die.

I carried him back to my horse, as John stared up at me, looking gazed. I saw a tear slide down his face, and just seeing that one tear made me feel like crying. I wanted to hold him and reassure him that everything would be okay.

But I couldn't do that. Right now, the only thing I can do is get John on my horse and take him somewhere he can get the medical attention he needs.

I placed him on my horse in front of me, put one hand around his waist, and together we started to ride home.

I placed my chin on his head and played with his hair.

Come on Laurens, you gotta stay alive for me.

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