I Thought You Were Mine

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John's POV

I breathed a breath of relief as I stepped off of the train that had brought me back to New York. It feels as if it had been forever since I had last seen this familiar train station.

As I walked, there was one thought persistently forcing itself into my head. I simply cannot wait to see Alexander again. It only took me about five minutes to arrive at his house, and I quickly knocked on the door, in a rush to see him.

When the door did open, however, instead of Alex like I had expected, I found myself face to face with none other than Eliza.

" Eliza Schuyler? What are you doing here?" I asked, feeling utterly confused.

She started giggling and said, " It's Eliza Hamilton now." Then she held out her hand where the ring sat there, shimmering in the bright sunlight. I gasped and shoved my way past her, trying to find Alexander.

I finally found him sitting at his desk, scribbling away in his notebook. I stormed right up to him and yelled, " You got married and didn't even think to tell me!"

Alex spun around at the sound of my voice and stared at me in shock. I huffed angrily and crossed my arms. So many thoughts were flying through my head right now.

" It all happened so quickly!" Alex exclaimed. I sighed. I should be happy for him, I mean, my best friend just got married!

But I'm not happy. I'm the opposite. I feel as if any minute now I could just collapse and start sobbing uncontrollably. But I couldn't do that. I had to act happy for Alexander.

I forced a fake smile onto my face as I said, " If you of all people can get married, maybe there's still hope for my ass after all!"

Alex laughed and stood up to hug me. I hugged him back as tightly as I could. I missed this man so much while I was gone. It felt magical to finally be in his arms again.

Not long after that I excused myself and went home. As soon as I slammed the door behind me, I ran upstairs and crawled into bed, crying. Alex was married. He would never be mine, and I would never be his. 

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