I Saved Every Letter You Wrote Me

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 John's POV

I was only in South Carolina for a few days before I began receiving letters from none other than Alexander Hamilton. I was sitting at my desk, reading through the letters he last sent, while waiting for the newest one to arrive later on this week.

Dear John Laurens,

My dearest Laurens, it pleases me greatly to inform you that there has been no further violence here since the day you departed. I mustn't write for long, however, because I have arranged for a date with Miss Eliza Schuyler. She is really a remarkable woman and I want to thank you greatly for introducing me. I hope that all is well for you back in South Carolina, and as peaceful as things have proven to be here. I miss you dearly and eagerly await your return.

Yours, A. Hamilton

I frowned. I didn't like how much time he was spending with Eliza. What Alex says is true, she really is a wonderful girl, very kind and smart, but I would much rather have Alex all to myself.

I opened his next letter and began reading.

Dear John Laurens,

I am very pleased to hear that everything is going good for you and your family. I do hope that your father is recovering from his illness, I would really appreciate it if you could tell him that I wish for his full recovery. I still miss you, and I cannot go a day without dreaming about your freckled face and wondering when I might see you again. Eliza is in the next room over as I write this, her and I have gotten exceedingly closer over the amount of time you've been absent. Please write back as soon as the time is appropriate for you.

Yours, A. Hamilton

I was losing him. By the time I get back, Alexander may not even have any time for me. He'll be spending it all with Eliza. I was starting to like her less and less with every passing second.

I started writing my latest letter to Alexander, telling him about how my father was doing, and how I've been spending time with friends of my own. I have two very close friends here in Charleston, their names are Jared and Evan. Two of the kindest people I've ever had the pleasure of meeting.

As soon as I had signed my name at the bottom of the page, I took the letter downstairs and left it to be picked up later. Then I walked back upstairs and collapsed on my bed, thinking of Alex as I fell asleep. 

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