You'll Never Lose Me

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John's POV

As I slowly felt myself regaining consciousness, I could just make out the voices in the room around me. I didn't feel like opening my eyes yet, but even without being able to see, I could tell that the person in the room was Alex and he was talking to someone who I didn't recognize.

" But he will be okay, right?!" Alex practically screeched. I heard a lady's voice telling him to shush.

I decided that this would probably be a good time to open my eyes and say something.

" Alex," I croaked. His head snapped up and Alexander stared at me from across the room, where he was standing next to someone who looked kind of like a nurse.

A huge relieved smile spread across his beautiful face and Alex was at my side in a matter of seconds. I heard the lady leave the room and close the door, just in time for Alex to lean down and place his hand on my cheek.

He buried his face in my neck and

whispered, " Thank goodness you're okay. I thought I was going to lose you, Laurens."

I chuckled, wrapped an arm around his back and pulled him down against my chest further. Now he was almost laying on my chest and if anyone else were to see us, they would surely think what we were doing was wrong. But it felt so right.

I whispered back, " You'll never lose me, Alex." 

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