Wedding Bells

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Alex's POV

Today is the day. Today is the day I propose to Eliza. I was originally going to wait on John to get back, I was going to ask for his help, but I just couldn't wait any longer.

My plan went like this:

I was going to visit her house and knock on the door. When she answers, I'll hide and place the ring box and some flowers on the doorstep. Along with a note I wrote asking her to marry me. Nothing can go wrong.

I stood on her doorstep and took a long deep breath before carefully setting down the items, and knocking loudly on the door. Just as I heard footsteps approaching from inside the house, I lept to the side and into the bushes.

I could feel leaves gathering in my hair, but at this point I could care less. I was more worried about what Eliza was going to say.

I heard her gasp as she most likely was reading the note, and the snap of the ring box opening. I then heard her mumble, " Of course I'll marry you, Alexander."

It was at that point when I jumped out of the bushes, frightening poor Eliza. I scooped her into a tight hug as I whispered into her ear, " When do you want the wedding to be?"


Only one week later and wedding bells were ringing for me and soon to be Eliza Hamilton. I was practically shaking with both fear and excitement. I wasn't necessarily worried about the wedding, just about how things would be afterwards.

I am basically broke and I know that Eliza comes from a very wealthy family. And I don't want to disappoint her. I was also a little sad because Laurens wouldn't be here to see me get married. Actually, he had no idea.

I heard the music beginning to play as I saw Eliza walking down the aisle towards me. I grinned at her and saw her smile back happily.

Before I knew it, we had said our vows and I was told to kiss the bride. As I leaned in to kiss my wife, something didn't quite feel right. However, I simply brushed it off and pressed my lips to hers passionately. 

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