Chapter: 1◇

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Waking up with a gasp, clutching onto my blankets as I look at my mirror with wide eyes. A layer of sweat covering my body, feeling my chest move up and down at a rapid pace.

It's just a dream Y/N...don't worry.

Rubbing my eyes with my small fists as I turn to my nightstand. Looking at the time on my phone to see 03:30 glowing brightly on my screen.

I guess I'll get ready for school now.

My name is Park Y/N and I'm am 18 years old. I have a 4 year old brother, Park Jimin. We both live with our abusive Appa. My Eomma is dead due to Suicide. Jimin is my half brother because we have different mothers.

Entering my small bathroom. I strip myself from clothes, looking at myself in the mirror only to avert my gaze somewhere else from the horrible sight.

Black and blue bruises all over my ribs and legs as I have a split lip and red hand marks around my neck.

Entering the shower, hissing as the hot water turns my pale bruised skin red almost immediately.


After washing up and brushing my teeth. I wear a pair of midnight blue leggings, with a black longs sleeved shirt and a baby blue sweater. Tying the shoe lace of my converse whilst I eye the time on my phone. 03:45

Still too early...

Grabbing my make-up kit. Covering up the bruises on my neck and face whilst putting some ointment on my split lip.

Putting on my spectacles and tying my hair into a ponytail. Slowly walking downstairs making sure not to wake up anyone.

Upon entering the living room I was met with empty beer bottles lying on the floor. Shattered glass near the kitchen and my Appa sleeping on the couch with an empty bottle of whiskey in his hand.

Hopefully Jimin didn't see this...

Sighing as I watch my step, entering the kitchen and grabbing a plastic bin bag. Picking up the empty bottles and the shattered glass, throwing them in the bag.

Once I cleaned up the house and discarded the bag of dirt outside. Taking out the specific ingredients as I set to work.

Once I set the table that consists of:
Bacon, eggs and toast for myself
Chicken nuggets or chickie nuggies as Jimin calls them.
And fruit juice for the both of us.

Walking upstairs with a soft smile plastered on my face. Wondering if Jimin is awake yet.

Upon entering his pastel yellow room I was met with my small little mochi bundled up in blankets like a burrito. Clutching onto his Chimmy plushie like his life depended on it.

"Minnie, it's time to wake up~" I said opening the curtains.

Hearing a cute whine from the pile of blankets, turning around to see his small body wiggling around in his bed.

"Noonaaa~" he whined "I ish tiwed" he continued.  Seeing his sleepy eyes peeking through the blankets.

"Then you can't have chicky nuggets if you don't wake up" I said, sitting on his bed with a fake pout.

Seeing him shoot up from the bed. His hair shooting in all directions causing me to giggle. Running my fingers through his honey brown locks, trying to straighten out his hair but failing miserably.

"Wan' chicky nuggies" he says, making grabby hands towards me.

Picking him up with a sigh as he rests his head on my shoulder.

"Minnie I need you to keep quiet, don't want Appa to shout at us...mmh?" I ask kissing his forehead.

"Mmh" he hums snuggling closer to my neck.

"Let's get you ready for school then have chicky nuggies" I said, setting him down on the counter as I run his bath.

Checking for the right temperature, I strip Jimin off his clothes. Placing him in the bathtub, unexpectedly hearing his surprised squeal.

Smiling softly at the toddler who grabbed his rubby ducky from the small box of toys. Squeezing it and giggling once it makes a 'quack!' sound.

"Noona wook ish a ducky!" He shouts cheerfully, pointing at the yellow toy that's floating around in the water.

"Yes Minnie, it's a ducky" I repeated, gently washing his small body.

"Come, let's get you dressed" I said, taking him out of the bathtub hearing a huff in return.

"Minniw wan pway mowe" he sadly says.

"Aw, baby you can play at school with your friends...with lots and lots of toys" I say dramatically, tickling his sides. Hearing his gurgles as he tries to cover himself with the towel I gave him.


Hey lovelies

Another Fanfic here!
Hope you like it.

♧ Warning ♧

° I do not own Stray Kids or any other Kpop Idol that is mentioned.

° The story line/ plot is based on my ideas and imaginations.

° If some contents are triggering or some how related to you it is purely out of coincidence.

°Please excuse  if there are any spelling errors.

° No hate comments this is my book and if you don't like it, there's the fucking door 🚪.

°Don't be a silent reader, comment and vote.

°This Fanfiction was made from my previous account   Imfine108

Thank you ♡


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