Chapter: 5◇

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Hyunjin's  POV:

Sighing as Jisung and I wait for our friends outside the school gates. Listening to Jisung ramble about how delicious cheesecake is.

But I couldn't help but let my mind wonder. Y/N wasn't here after break. Maybe she did go home, seeing how...she was acting today.

Shame, she must've had a really bad day today.

"Yah! Are you listening?" Jisung shouted, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Huh? yeah" I smiled. Chuckling when he groans.

"Aish, where are these three" he whined.

And speak of the devil, smiling at the trio that approached us.

"Hey hyung" Jeongin grinned.

Smiling softly as I ruffle his hair.

"Where's Y/N?" Seungmin asked.

"We didn't see her, Seung" I answered with a slight frown.

"I see, she must've been sick" Felix shrugged.

"Anyways, there's this Cafè nearby and I really want to go. But I don't want to go alone so please come" Felix asked with a pout.

"Eww," Jisung grimaced. Looking at Felix trying to be cute.

"Hyung can you message Channie Hyung that we're going. The last time I didn't he took all my video games" Jeongin asked me. Nodding with a smile I fished out my phone.

Channie Hyung🐺

Hyung, we're all going out.
Expect us to arrive a little late

Okay see you guys later.
Have fun 👋

Bye hyung

"Yeah he knows, now let's go!" I cheered, hopping and skipping to this Cafè Felix suggested.


"So he dated a girl named Ruth, but they broke up just a few days ago and I said...'how can you be so ruthless' I swear the way he looked at me I nearly peed my pants" Jisung rants.

All of us laughing as we enter the Cafè. Waiting in front of the counter. Seeing one of the workers stand in front of the till.

S-she looks familiar.

"God day Sir, welcome to V-licious. Can I take your order?" She asked.

Her voice sounds familiar.

Only gasping softly when she looks up at us. Its Y/N. Only noticing now that none of us had answered her.

" we're eating here. Table for five please" I asked.

Seeing her nod slightly as she took a notepad, a pen and a cloth. Soon cleaning a vacant seat as Jisung mumbled:

"Didn't know she worked here" nodding to his words as we sat down.

Just as we were supposed to speak-


Turning my head to the cute voice to see a younger boy pop his head out from behind the counter. Watching him run towards Y/N and clutch onto her leg with a small yawn.

Cooing slighting at his cute chubby, pale cheeks get squished against Y/N's leg. His honey brown hair bounce slightly as he ran. He's adorable.

"Minnie ish tiwed" he yawned once again looking up at Y/N with a pout.

Agejhygfeny!! how is this child so cute!!!!!

Y/N's  POV:

Frowning when I crouch down to Jimin's eye level.

"Jimin you're not supposed to be here" I said softly, trying to not make him feel uncomfortable.

Never mind

Panicking when I see his eyes water and his bottom lip start to wobble. No, No , No!

"No Minnie, don't cry" I said, shaking my head as I pick him up. Hearing his small whimpers as he sobs into my neck, wetting my shirt.

Quickly turning around to Hyunjin and his friends with a slight bow.

"I apologize for the sudden change. Someone will see to you now, please excuse me" I said, leaving them as I enter the room to see Taehyung busy on his phone.

"Uh... Tae I'm really sorry but can you please take over for a few minutes. Minnie is-"

"Its okay Y/N, take your time" he cuts me off. Smiling softly as he ruffles both Jimin's and my hair and leaves the room.

"Minnie ish sowwy Noona, Minnie sowwy" he sobs, looking at me with bloodshot eyes and a red nose.

My heart breaking at the sight as I wipe his teary eyes with a sad smile.

"Its fine Mochi. There's nothing wrong, you were just tired and that's understandable." I said.

Seeing him nod as I sit down with him in my lap, rubbing his back. Feeling him lazily play with my hair as he slowly dozes of.

Smiling sadly at my brother. Tears brimming at my eyes as my thoughts overwhelmed me.

He's so young but he's going through a lot. I hate it when he pouts and cries for simple things he can't get. Ice cream, candy and plushies are so expensive in my eyes.

Just getting him a lollipop is like getting him a puppy makes me cry at night. Other children would think of it as just random candy but here this child would think that he was just rewarded with the best gift ever. If only I could give him the best we wouldn't be in this situation.

Quickly wiping the few tears that roll down my cheeks as I lay the sleeping toddler on the couch and cover him with his favourite yellow blanket. And I leave to carry on with work.

Chuckling when I see the door slightly open. Mentally telling myself to remind Taehyung to close doors.

Putting on my stoic face as I receive the orders for Hyunjin and his friends from Taehyung as I set to work.

◇Are You Okay?◇ [Hwang Hyunjin X Depressed Reader] (Straykids FF) Completed!Where stories live. Discover now