Chapter: 8◇

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Y/N's POV:

Wiggling around in my bed uncomfortably as I turn to look at the time on my phone.

"3:00, I didn't even sleep yet" I mumbled out tiredly.

Slowly sitting up with a wince, the pain in my back stinging and burning uncomfortably. Reminding me of what happened last night.

Once my bare feet come into contact with the cold floor. I stand on wobbly legs, gripping onto any object for balance.

Entering the bathroom, I lift my head up looking at my appearance in the mirror. Dark eye bags basically screaming that I didn't sleep at all. A bandaid on the side of my face with a big red dot of blood on it. My hair sticking out in different directions.

I look hectic!

With a sigh I strip myself off my clothes, taking off all my bandages and stepping into the shower. Hissing when the water comes into contact with the open cuts on my legs, wrist and back.

Watching my pale skin turn red from how hot the water is.


Changing into a pair of grey leggings and a black hoodie. Taking out my make-up bag and the first aid kit as I cover up the bruises and eye bags whilst I put on a clean bandaid and a clean bandage on my cuts.

Making my way downstairs I look around to see no signs of my father.

That's odd...

Shaking my head at the thought, I enter the kitchen to make breakfast. Softly humming to a tune that my mother sang to me as I move around to grab specific ingredients.

Stopping dead in my tracks when I hear the front door (A/N: Straykids Back Door sskkskksksk!) open.

He's here...

"Oh, you're up. Looks like you're not completely useless, make me breakfast then!" He shouts, looking at me with a glare.

Nodding my head as I look at him with wide, scared eyes.

"You have a mouth, use it for fucks sake!"

"Y-yes Appa" I stuttered, turning around as I carry on with preparing breakfast. Hearing him hum and walk away.

Looking at the three plates of bacon, eggs and toast I stop dead in my tracks:

Are you really hungry?

A little bit–

No but are you really hungry, so hungry that you feel like you need to eat?


Then don't eat-


No buts, imagine the body you'll have if you don't eat?
A slim waist...thin long legs, the perfect body!

Yeah, I'll be pretty

So don't eat, you can do without it
It will make you look ugly

You're right...

With a sigh I put my plate's contents in a container and put it in the fridge. Taking my father's plate and giving it to him with a bow.

Then leaving to wake Jimin, smiling softly as I enter his room. Watching him squirm in his bed when I open the curtains and let the sunlight shine through the room.

◇Are You Okay?◇ [Hwang Hyunjin X Depressed Reader] (Straykids FF) Completed!Where stories live. Discover now