Chapter: 9◇

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Hyunjin's POV:

As the guys were talking I kept my eyes trained on Y/N. Watching her flinch everytime someone walks past or bumps into her. Flinching when one of us scream or burst into fits of laughter.

Something must have happened last night.

"So, did you go home early yesterday?" I asked her, trying to strike up a conversation. Watching her flinch and look at me with wide, alert eyes before glaring at me for scaring at her.

"That's none of your business Hwang" she mumbled shooting me a glare.

"Sorry, just wanted to be friends" I sighed with a pout.

As we entered the school gates I watched how she clutched onto her school bag in fear. Probably because its loud and everyone is talking and screaming.

Y/N's POV:

As I left the others, I went to my locker. Opening it as I take out and put in specific books.

Staring at the bottle of my anxiety pills on my top shelf. Sighing softly as I grab it and shove it into my pocket.

Just as I grabbed my notebook, my locker door was slammed into my hand. Yelping in pain as I look up, locking eyes with the most intimidating person I've ever met.

Kim Jennie, the school's Queen and perfect idol. Everyone loves her looks and personality, but if she doesn't like you, you'll find out that this girl is like a coin. Two faced and penniless.

"Surprised?" She asks with a sinister smile. Drifting her eyes to my now bleeding hand and then to my scared face.

Watching her face morph into an angry one when I don't answer her, whimpering in pain when she pushes the locker door harder into my hand.

"Y-yes Ma'am" I answered, lowering my head.

"I see you're hanging out with the new boys, huh?" She asked.

"Ah! Y-y-yes" I stammered.

"Looks like someone finally likes your pathetic ass" she laughed as her friends:
Lisa, Rosè and Jisoo laughed along with her.

And like that she pushed past me as they left me.

"Noona, are you okay?!"

Lifting my head up to see Jeongin (who's locker is next to mine) worriedly run towards me.

"Ah! I'm fine" I said trying to smile.

Slowly taking my hand out of my locker to see a big cut diagonally across my palm.

How am I going to write?

"I don't think that's good Noona. Let me take you to the infirmary" Jeongin said.

"No it's fine, I'll take care of it. Thank you though" I politely declined.

Shoving the notebook in my bag with my good hand and shutting my locker, leaving the hallways as I walk towards the bathroom.

Sighing in relief when its empty as I wash the cut on my hand, taking out a bandage from my bag as I messily bandage it.

Got to be prepared, right?

Leaving the bathroom as I lower my head and keep to myself. Making my way to register class and smiling softly when Mrs Kim waves happily at me.

Walking to my seat as I plop down tiredly.

Checking my schedule to see I stay here for 3 classes.

Lifting my head up to see Hyunjin and Jisung take their seats and flash me a smile.

Nodding back at them as a greeting.

"What happened to your hand?" Jisung asked.

"Oh, uh something happened earlier on" I answered.

Watching them nod with pursed lips.


As we were all taking down notes and suddenly-

"You prick!!"

Flinching as I look up to see two boys break out into a fight. Everyone smiling and cheering the two on as Mrs Kim tries to break the boys apart.

It's too noisy and loud!

My chest hurts

I got to get out of here!

And like that I left the classroom, ignoring the calls of Jisung and Hyunjin.

Breathing heavily as I go to a more quiet hallway. Feeling a layer of sweat cover my forehead, shakingly taking out my bottle of pills and swallowing two, since I don't have water.

"Breathe Y/N, Breathe. You're okay, he's not here. Everything is fine" I muttered to myself. Rocking myself back and forth.


Flinching as I look up to see Hyunjin standing there with worried eyes.

"Y-y-yeah?" I asked with a hoarse voice.

"Are you okay, you seem out of breath" he asked, slowly taking steps towards me.

Feeling my eyes watering slightly as I nod to his words.

"I'm fine, just needed some air" I answered.

"What's in you hand?" He asks looking at the bottle in my hand.

"N-nothing" I answered, shoving the bottle into my pocket making my sleeves ride up a bit, showing my bandages.

"What happened to you're arm?" He asked worriedly.

"Nothing Hwang" I sighed.

Watching him sit next to me as he places a hand behind my back.

"Ow!" I yelp in pain, jerking forward.

"Are you okay, did I hurt you?!" He panics.

"I-I-  I'm fine" I said, standing up as I head back to class leaving him behind.

Throughout the day, Hyunjin has been giving me worried glances. Watching me like a hawk with whatever I do and its disturbing.

As my usual routine, I left the school during break. Taking the work from Mrs Kim and leaving for work.

Chan came again today also sending me a worried glance before leaving.

And when I was at the Cafè, Hyunjin and the others also sent me worried glances.

Luckily when I went home my father wasn't there. Probably out drinking.

So Jimin had a nice Dinner whilst I sat that one out not wanting to eat anymore.


Hey lovelies 💌

Just want to clarify that I do not hate Blackpink.

And if you take any anxiety pills I'm sorry and hope you get better💜

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◇Are You Okay?◇ [Hwang Hyunjin X Depressed Reader] (Straykids FF) Completed!Where stories live. Discover now