Chapter: 21◇

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Y/N's POV:

We were strolling through the shopping mall, buying things to nibble on and what caught our interest.

Jimin sleeping in my arms as I spoke, laughed and giggled with the others.

"Hwang, can you take him. I want to use the restroom" I asked Hyunjin.

"Yeah, give him here" he cooed softly at the cute pout on Jimin's face. Taking him out of my arms and shushing him when he whines.

"I think we should go home now, I'll meet you guys in the car. Mmh?" I asked.

"Yeah, we thought of going now. I'm actually feeling tired" Jisung said.

Giving a small wave before leaving to the restroom.

Hyunjin's POV:

As we walked with Jimin in my arms, I couldn't help but feel a bit uneasy. Furrowing my eyebrows, zoning out a bit.

I hope Y/N is oka-

I was cut off by my thoughts by Jeongin's call.

"Hyung? Hyung are you listening?" He asked.

"Mmh, what?" I asked confused.

"I asked if you're okay? You zoned out a bit" he asked with concern making me coo at him.

"Yeah, I'm feeling a bit uneasy but I'm sure I'll be okay" I smiled softly.

"Whatever you say Hyung" he smiled back before walking with the others.

"Noona~" Jimin whined in my arms.

"Noona just went to the restroom Mochi, she'll come just now" I cooed at his big puffy eyes and his cute pout.

"O-otay" he said in between yawns. Cooing as I tightening my grip around him.

Y/N's POV:

Once I finished my business. I left the restroom leaving the mall.

Just as the cold air hit my face, I let out a painful yelp as a hand tightly gripped my wrist pulling me against a body.

Looking up and my face paled at the sight.

"A-appa?" I whimpered.

Stray Kids POV:

It's been at least 30 minutes now and the 5 members and a restless toddler sat in the car. Still waiting for Y/N.

"Where is Y/N, Chan Hyung is continuously bombarding me with questions" Seungmin said showing his phone to the eldest. Hyunjin.

"Same here, he's on my case" Hyunjin sighed, typing back a 'we're okay Hyung'

"Wan' Noona" Jimin sniffled. Feeling scared he doesn't have his sister.

"Hey Mochi, I downloaded a new game. Come here and let me show you how to play it" Felix reasoned. Hoping to distract the troubled toddler.

"Hyung, I have homework to do. I was hoping to do it today and relax tomorrow" Jeongin sighed, resting his head on a now sleeping Jisung whose oblivious to the situation.

"Let me call her" Hyunjin sighed, going to his contacts and pressing on Y/N's contact. Putting the phone on speaker.

Y/N's POV:

"Appa that-that h-hurts" I whimpered as he grabbed me by my hair and pulled me towards a white looking van.

I was met with a harsh slap, my head flying to the side as my once pale cheek turns an angry red.

"Shut the fuck up. Your voice is annoying!" He scolded. Not even bothered about his surroundings because it's dark and late. People should be in their homes with their families.

I felt tears run down my cheeks as I was dragged towards the van.

"H-how d-d-did you f-find me?" I asked, sniffling as I try to get away.

I watched how he pulled out his phone, showing two red dots in one spot huddled together. Widening my eyes in realization.

"Remember the tracker I put in your phone?" He asked.

"Y-yes" I stuttered.

"Well, when I got home today. I saw the place was in a complete mess-" he smiled sarcastically. "And my beautiful children weren't in the house. So I decided to come get you" he laughed.

His grip on my hair tightened making me whimper.

"You won't be able to see your pathetic friends and that annoying brother of yours" he growled, shoving me in the van.

I hope my little mochi is okay.
Oh Jimin, where are you my little brother.

I cried harder at the thought of being separated from my younger brother.

Flinching as my father sat next to me and started the engine.

I jumped as my phone started ringing, taking it out of my bag. But it was immediately yanked out of my hands.

Looking up at him with wide scared eyes.

"Oh, its your friend. Hyunjin" he said with a sinister smile.

Widening my eyes at the name as I wish to be there with him.

"Here, answer him and say your last goodbyes" he laughed, shoving the phone in my hand and pulled my hair back.

"H-hyunjin" I whimpered.

"Y/N, where are you? We're all waiting for you-" he said not noticing my cries "Y/N, what's wrong?" He asked worriedly.

And I just cried loudly.

◇Are You Okay?◇ [Hwang Hyunjin X Depressed Reader] (Straykids FF) Completed!Where stories live. Discover now