Chapter: 13◇

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Y/N's POV:

"Noona!!! Pwease wake up! Appa ish goin' come bwack!!"

I was awoken by the sobs of my brother, sitting up with a groan and a look of confusion.

Until I looked down at my blood covered shirt, my dirty shirt and my slightly torn clothes. All the memories came flooding in made me whimper in fear.

Looking down to see Jimin crying as he looked at me with red puffy eyes.

"Oh Baby!!" I cried out bringing him into my arms.

Hearing him sob loudly in my arms broke my heart.

I did this...I broke him.

It had to be today that he had to see me like this, I've failed as an older sister.

"Its okay Minnie, Noona is fine" I whispered reassuringly.

I watched him sob and choke as tears ran down his face with a sad frown on my face.

" 'M sc-scawed N-noona" he whimpered

"I know but I need you to breathe Minnie, In..." I said breathing in as he copied my actions. "Out..." I breathed out as he did the same.

Once he calmed his breathing, I watched him fall on my chest in exhaustion making me hiss slightly from the pain.

"Sowwy Noona" he apologized.

"Why are you sorry Minnie?" I asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"Minnie huwt chu"

"Oh Minnie, you're okay, I'm okay. Everything is okay" I laughed.

I watched him yawn with a sad smile on my face as he buried his face in my dried bloodied neck and fall asleep.

And like that, I broke down crying with a sleeping toddler in my arms. I clutched onto Jimin's shirt as I looked at my numb legs, my Jean's torn and bloodied as I tried to move.

I'm so, so sorry Jiminie

As I mentally prepare myself to get up and walk on my slightly dead legs.

"1...2...3" just as I was about to stand up. I heard loud knocking on the front door.

Both Jimin and I flinched as Jimin woke up with a cry.

"Shhh, Noona is here" I whispered, moving backward into the corner of the wall. Shielding Jimin with my body.

"Who is it?!" I called out.

"Y/N? Its Hyunjin!"

And like that Jimin ran out of my arms, crying hysterically as he runs to the door. Having a bit of a struggle but opening the door anyways and crashing into Hyunjin's legs.

Hyunjin picked up Jimin in confusion and worry until his eyes landed on me in shock but soon turning into anger.

But my main focus was on Jimin who kept on crying in Hyunjin's arms whilst Hyunjin tried to calm him down.

He's so scared.
But now Hyunjin is also involved

A sob left my mouth as I looked at the two in pain.

"What the fuck happened?!" Hyunjin shouted making me flinch.

"I-" I couldn't even finish before a sob cut me off.

Hyunjin came with Jimin still sobbing in his arms as he sat next to me and brought me in his arms. (Jimin on his lap and Y/N next to him)

"Shh, Big hyungie is here Jimin. Calm down both of you" he whispered, kissing both Jimin and me on the forehead.

Not even worried about the kisses as I seek for affection as I happily take it.

Once both Jimin and I calm down, we both layed on Hyunjin's chest as he leaned against the wall.

Looking at Jimin to see him look at me with red puffy eyes.

"We're okay now Minnie" I said, bringing my shaking hand and caressing his tear stained cheeks.

And like that he fell asleep in Hyunjin's arms.

"What happened Y/N?" Hyunjin whispered, looking at me with concern

"My A-appa beat m-me up a-and left me i-in this st-state, Jimin fo-found me and st-started crying. I- Jimin cried so hard Hyunjin, he's not going to smile a-again, I scared him" I cried, burying my face in his neck. Breathing in his cologne and muscular scent.

"Its okay, I'm here. We'll go through this together. Okay?" Nodding my head to his words as I feel him tighten his grip around my waist made me whimper.

"Sorry..." he whispered, kissing my forehead making me blush.

As we layed in silence, clutching onto his now bloodied neon hoodie. Shakinging slightly from the pain running through my body.

"Please don't tell anyone..." I muttered.

"How can I? look at the state you're in, Jimin and this house..." he protested making me sigh.

"I know...but I'm scared, also Jimin. So for now don't say anything to the police"

"Okay, but you're staying with me this weekend" he said.


"No, that's final. I'm calling my hyungs" he cut me off, fishing out his phone.


Hey lovelies 💌

Hope you enjoy this slightly short chapter ♥️

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