Chapter: 7◇

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Y/N's POV:

Sitting in Taehyung's car with a sleeping Mochi in my lap. Smiling softly as I cover him with my hoodie.

"Do you have to go back there?" Taehyung suddenly asks making me sigh.

Not this again...

"You know I have to. It's the only place I have" I answered looking at him to see his eyes focused on the road as he drives.

"But look at yourself Y/N, look at the bruises on your arms. It breaks me that I can't help you in the situation you're in" he says, turning his head to look at my arms then turning back to the road.

"I know...and I'm sorry that I worry you so much, but he's my father. I can't just leave him alone. He'll land up killing himself. Besides you do so much for me, getting a job at your Cafè is a blessing in my eyes" looking down with a slight pout, my eyes watering slightly.

"Okay, okay I'm sorry...please don't cry" he panics, noticing my teary eyes. "But please call me when you don't want to be there anymore" he says.

Nodding my head to his words, lowering my head to look at Jimin. Smiling softly as I kiss his forehead. Watching him squirm slightly, soon snuggling closer towards my chest and letting out a cute sigh.

"We're here" Taehyung sighs, parking in front of my house.

Snapping my head up to look out the window only for my eyes to widen in fear.

"He's home..." I whispered, looking at the house with switched on lights.

"Are you going to be okay?" Taehyung asks.

Nodding my head as I take out my pair of headphones, placing them on Jimin's small head and playing 'Baby Shark'.

"I'm sure I'll be fine..." I sighed, grabbing my bag and stepping out of the car.

"See you tomorrow Y/N" he waved.

Waving back as he hoots and drives off. With a heavy sigh I tighten my grip around Jimin and walk towards the door.

Hearing glass breaking and shouting on the other side of the door.

Shakingly opening the door as I tip toe inside. Just as I took a step to go upstairs, a loud creak was heard throughout the house.

And the sounds of shouting and glass breaking came to a complete halt.

"Y/N you better get your fucking ass here!!" I heard my father's deep gruff voice shout.

Quickly running up the stairs, I gently lay Jimin in his bed. Then lock the door behind me.

Slowly walking down the stairs to see my father with a beer bottle in one hand and a whip in the other.


"Where were you young lady!" He shouted taking a step towards me.

"I-I-" I stuttered, each step he takes forward I took one backwards. Falling backwards onto the stairs with a yelp.

"You have a mouth, talk like a fucking human!" He shouted.

"I was at work" I said with wide teary eyes.

"If so, do you have money?" He asked, tightening his grip around his beer bottle.

"I-I only get p-paid n-n-next week" I stuttered out.

"Ah!" I scream when I feel the whip come into contact with my legs.

Turning around as I curl into a ball, showing him my back.

◇Are You Okay?◇ [Hwang Hyunjin X Depressed Reader] (Straykids FF) Completed!Where stories live. Discover now