Chapter: 19◇

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Y/N's POV:

With a sleeping Mochi gripping my ear, not even bothering with him because I'm so used to it.

Turning my head to the side with a bit of difficulty to see the time on the small digital clock on the side of the bed.


"I didn't even sleep yet" I sighed throwing my head back.

Looking up again as I hear the door creak open, automatically I bring Jimin closer towards me for protection.

"Don't worry, it's just me" Chan said, shooting me a small smile.

Smiling softly at him as I gently let go of Jimin.

"Aren't you supposed to sleep?" He asked.

"Aren't I supposed to ask you the same question?" I sassed back with a playful smirk.

"You always know how to make me speechless...huh?" He laughed, sitting down on the couch in the corner of the room.

Looking down as Jimin starts whining, quickly placing him on my chest as I lean against the headboard, shushing him.

"He's really close to you..." Chan whispered with softened eyes.

"Well yeah, I'm practically the only family that is always around him and cares for him 24/7" I answered.

"I'm sorry that both you and Jimin had to go through that at a young age. But we're here now and willing to help you" he said.

"And I thank you for that" I smiled.

"But seriously, why are you awake?" He asked again.

"I just can't, it takes long for my body to fall asleep even though its tired as hell. And even if I do fall asleep, I land up waking up from a bad dream and it just makes everything worse" I answered, looking out the window to see the sun starting to come up.

"Are you taking something for this? Are you talking to someone?" He asks.

"No, it's just so tiring for a student to go to school and still have two jobs. I just don't have the time" I answered

"I'm sorry..." he mumbled.

"Its not your fault" I smiled.

"But why are you up so late...early?" I laughed.

"Oh, I kinda suffer with insomnia. I just can't sleep at night so I just spend my time making music" he answered.

"Oh? That's nice, what does the others do?" I asked surprised.

"Well, we have two other members, their not here today but the older one is Lee Minho, he does dancing. The other one is Seo Changbin he also makes music with me. And the five youngest just follows after us, all involved with music" he smiled.

"You care for them a lot, huh?" I smiled.

"Yeah, their my family. My team, I'll do anything for them" he answered.


"Noona, can chu bwuy the beaw fow me" Jimin asked, pouting to a cute white bear holding a red heart in the middle. Laughing as he wiggles in my arms to get it.

"Sure Minnie" I smiled, leaning forward for him to grab it.

Slowly making my way to till with the others trailing behind me.

"Noona, Big Hyungies awe gon' take Minnie to the pwace whewe aww the zwombies awe an'..." and he carried on babbling.

But I couldn't help but get confused when he said 'place where all the zombies are'. Only to hear a laugh behind us.

Turning our heads to see Jeongin smiling fondly at Jimin.

"Mochi, it's called an arcade" he laughed.

Laughing to myself as I finally get the answer. Placing the bear on the counter and smiling at the middle aged woman.

"Wan' Big Hyungie" Jimin called out to Hyunjin whose standing behind me.

Once Jimin was in Hyunjin's arms, I pulled out my card only for someone to hold out their card out already.

Turning my head to see Hyunjin looking at me.

"Why are you paying for me?" I asked.

"You're not spending a penny today. All on me" he smiled.

"No, let me at least pay for this" I quickly said, turning to pay for the bear only to see its already been paid for.

Huffing as Hyunjin and Jimin leave me with fits of laughter.

"Young Love, so cute!" The woman at the till squealed.

Suddenly feeling my face heat up as my cheeks and ears turn a light shade of red.

Squeaking as I run out in embarrassment.


Looking at Jeongin holding Jimin's hands as he walked whilst Hyunjin talked to Jisung, Felix and Seungmin.

Tilting my head in confusion as I see Hyunjin blushing whilst talking.

Hyunjin's POV:

"I can't guys, she's already going through so much" I mumbled nervously.

"Why? Just tell her that you like her" Seungmin blurted out as the other two nod.

"No! Guys she's looking at us" I scolded.

◇Are You Okay?◇ [Hwang Hyunjin X Depressed Reader] (Straykids FF) Completed!Where stories live. Discover now