Chapter: 11◇

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Y/N's POV:

Entering the Cafè with a babbling mochi in my arms. Greeting Taehyung as I head to the backroom.

Placing Jimin on the couch as I put on my apron.

"Do you have homework Minnie?" I asked.

"Yesh, but can Minnie go to big Hyungies?" He asked looking at me with pleading eyes.

"I don't know..." I mumbled.

"Pwease, Minnie pwomise to be good boy!" He cheers looking at me with a grin.

"Okay fine, but behave okay?" I asked softly.

"Otay, thank you Noona" he smiles, hugging me and then leaving the room with his bag.

"Aish this kid" I mutter with a smile.

Hyunjin's POV:

As we entered the Cafè and sat down in a booth, we ordered what we wanted from a waiter and conversed with each other.

"Big Hyungies!"

Turning our heads to see a small mochi running on his short legs. Watching him pant as he stands in front of us.

"Can Minnie sit with Big Hyungies?" He asks cutely with big doe eyes.

"Of course Mochi, you can sit in between Innie and I" I smiled, picking Jimin up and setting him in between Jeongin and I.

"How was school Minnie?" Felix asked with a smile.

"School was good, Minnie like school" Jimin smiled but soon pouted making us coo at his cuteness. "But Minnie miss Noona"

"Aww, but after school you can go home and have lots and lots of fun with you Noona" I dramatically said whilst ruffling his hair.

"I can't" he mumbled making us frown.

"But why?" Seungmin asked.

"Because Noona go wowk (work) an' we weave (leave) when is scawy and dawk (dark). An' when we go home, Noona says I must stay in my woom(room) an' I hear Appa shoutin' at Noona aww (all) the time. But Noona say he pway fwightin' " Jimin said, his eyes watering slightly trying to hold in his sobs.

"I wove Noona wots, but I shee Noona get huwt (hurt) aww(all) the time an' I don' wike that" he cried.

All of us looked at the toddler in shock, he's so young but notices a lot of things that happen to Y/N.

Panicking when I see him cry I bring him into my arms as I cuddle him close, whispering encouraging words to calm him down.

"Pwease don' tell Noona I twell you guys" he sniffed looking at us.

"Don't worry little fella, we won't tell her anything" Jisung said, pretending to lock his mouth the key making Jimin giggle.

Soon we all watch Jimin take out books from his bag.

"Now Big Hyungies can help Minnie with his homewowk (homework)" he giggled looking at us with a grin.

All of us cooing at his cuteness.


"He really likes you Hyung" Jeongin said looking at the now sleeping mochi snuggled up in my arms.

"Yeah, I'm just worried about what Jimin and Y/N are going through. Especially at such a young age" I sighed, looking at Y/N help people with an emotionless face.

"Luckily he doesn't know what's actually happening" Seungmin said.

"Yeah, he's so young and innocent and I don't want him to lose that" I smiled sadly.

Laughing slightly at Felix and Jisung's head rocking back and forth when they fall asleep then jerking awake.

"Why don't you guys go home, I'll stay for a bit longer" I smiled.

"You sure?" Jeongin asked.

"Yeah, I'll be fine" I answered.

"Alrighty then" Seungmin said, hitting both Felix and Jisung on the back of their heads making them yelp.

"Come, we're going home" he said.

Waving goodbye as I look at Y/N. Watching her stare at my friends as they leave in confusion before drifting her eyes towards me only to widen her eyes in shock.

Watching her walk towards me with a sigh.

"I'm sorry if he bothered you. He tends to warm up to people and tell you his life story like he lived for a hundred years and then fall asleep in your arms" she laughed.

"No it's okay, he's cute and fun to hang out so it's not a problem" I smiled.

"Here, I'll take him off your hands" she said.

Slowly trying to take the koala like toddler out of my arms, only for him whine.

"Nuu, wan...b..ig...hyungie" he mumbled clutching onto my neon hoodie.

"Aish this kid" Y/N mumbled.

"I'm sorry" she said looking at me.

"No it's fine, I'll stay here with him, you carry on" I answered with a soft smile.

Looking down at the mochi, cooing softly as he yawns.

"You're so cute" I whispered.

Like your sister

Widening my eyes in shock by my thoughts as I steal a glance at Y/N.

Y/N's POV:

Looking at my sleeping brother in the arms of Hyunjin with a soft smile.

"He's so cute" I whisper.

Both of them or just your brother?

Flinching slightly at the thought as I quickly shake my head to clear my mind.

"Hey Y/N. Its Friday and I have to leave early be-"

"Because it's Family night, I gotcha, I'll lock up, don't worry. Say hi to Kookie for me" I cut Taehyung off, smiling at him.

"Will do, bye" he waved.

◇Are You Okay?◇ [Hwang Hyunjin X Depressed Reader] (Straykids FF) Completed!Where stories live. Discover now