Chapter: 2◇

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After both Jimin and I ate our breakfast we quietly left the house. Checking the time on my phone causing my eyes to widen in shock "shi-shoot! We're late!!" I shout, seeing Jimin staring at me clueless. Luckily I didn't curse in front of him.

But how did I lose track of time?

"Noona, uppsies" Jimin asks with grabby hands. Nodding my head slightly as I pick him up and place him on my hip as I race to school.

Finally arriving to Jimin's daycare, setting him down as I kneel down to his eye level.

"Okay Minnie, I'm leaving. I'll pick you up later. Behave and eat your lunch, okay?" I ask kissing his forehead.

"Yesh Noona, Minnie be good boy" he grins, giving me a small hug then waddling away to his friends.

Smiling softly as I wave goodbye then ran to school.

Just as I entered the gates I heard the bell ring "shit" I mumbled, running to my register class. Feeling my body heat up from running too much.

I hate being late. Mrs Kim will surely be disappointed at me. Mrs Kim is a very kind person, understanding the troubles I go through at home and is always there for me.

Since I have two jobs in order to provide for my family I have to leave school early which is at lunch break. She would always gather work from the other classes for me, giving it to me before I leave. And soon I'd start my first job at a convenient store. Then pick up Jimin from Day and leave for my second job at a Cafè.

And by the end of the day I would he finished with the work. Keeping up with my classes and earning money at the same time. She truly is the best.

Finally approaching my classroom as I burst through the doors, panting heavily. Feeling my cheeks heat up from the stares of my classmates.

"You're late Ms Park" Mrs Kim scolded, looking at me with disappointment.

That's what you are, a disappointment.

"Sorry Ma'am, it won't happen again" I bow towards her, avoiding eye contact.

"It's fine, just go to your seat" she sighs.

With a nod I walk to the back of the classroom. Hearing the students whisper insults at me.

"It was so peaceful when she wasn't here"

"Why is she here anyway, nobody likes her"

"Ugh, such a waste"

Yes, it all hurts. I deserve to be treated like a human too, but no one ever takes me seriously. Now I remain with a stoic expression, no one has ever seen or heard me laugh, giggle and smile. And I don't plan to with these demons roaming the school.

All they do is cause pain to the people who can't stand up for themselves. What would you have done if the whole school was against you? I can't change schools because my father doesn't care about me, only wanting money from me. I can't do anything, I'm stuck in this hellhole, but sometimes I feel like I deserve it.

Don't you think?

Lifting my head up only to see two new faces sitting on either side of my designated seat, their eyes looking at me with interest and amusement.

"Oh and Ms Park, we have two new students. Please show Mr Hwang and Mr Han around the school building during break" Mrs Kim explains.

Turning my head to look at her in disbelief and slight annoyance.

Only for her to show me the 'just do it' look, causing me to sigh for the nth time.

"Yes Mrs Kim" I answered in a monotone voice.

And I sat down in between the two unknown faces who stares at me with bright smiles on their faces. Smiles that holds happiness and freedom, that I long for.

"Hey there, my name is Hwang Hyunjin and that is Han Jisung" the man with blonde shoulder length hair said. (I decided to go for the God's Menu look)

His chocolate brown eyes staring at me and if you look closely he has a mole under his left eye.

Turning my head to the other side to see a squirrel looking man with chubby cheeks. His black hair with white streaks on the side made his milky skin stand out.

"Nice to meet you both. My name is Park Y/N" I introduced myself, my mouth not even twitching to smile at them.

The only time I feel comfortable and at peace is when I'm with my little Mochi. I'll giggle and laugh with Jimin like a normal teenager.

Taking the beatings for him if he gets in to trouble is totally worth it. Sacrificing my meals and my comfort for him is definitely worth it. He's too young to understand the meaning of what suffer is, and I hope he doesn't experience it either. I just want to protect my little sunshine, all I ask for is to hear the laughs and giggles from him everyday then I am the most happiest person on earth.


Hey lovelies 💌

Hope you enjoy this chapter. I was feeling more creative today so don't blame me for my...descriptive writing 😂

Hope you don't mind that I'm using God's Menu as their features...or whatever you call it.

Anyways please like, share, comment and follow me ♡


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