Chapter: 23◇

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Y/N's POV:

I've been in the same dark and stinky room for the past week. How I know this, you ask?

I count the days by looking at the small window protected with bars.

I wasn't given anything to eat besides water. A chain connected to my ankle and the wall. I had an electric coller on my neck.

If I cried for help, I was beaten to a pulp and electrocuted. Pleading them to stop.

My father and five of his friends have been in and out of here. Taking out their anger on me.

I was treated like an animal. They had no remorse or feelings towards me.

But I had only one thought in my head.

"Jimin, Hyunjin...where are you?" I croaked out. Looking at the now blurry figure leave the room.

Hyunjin's POV:

"Please Officer, I can't lose her" I pleaded.

"Can you at least track down her phone?" I asked.

They looked at me sympathetically, remembering my face and pleads as I come here everyday to find any update about Y/N.

They couldn't find her as it was late at night and couldn't track down the van that took her.

"We'll see what we can do" they said, patting my shoulder before leaving.

With a heavy heart I left the Police Station, heading home.

It hasn't been the same, for me I guess. I felt incomplete, I don't know what to do anymore.

I feel completely lost without Y/N. Her crying voice rung through my head day and night and it frustrated me. I couldn't help her.

I sighed as I blinked back tears and entered the house to be met with a crying toddler.

Watching Chan and Jeongin try to calm Jimin down as Changbin and Minho tries to distract him with toys and keys.

But he just cried his heart out, calling for his sister.

"I wan' Noona. Minnie pwomise he be a good boy, jus' wan' Noona" Jimin cried, his bloodshot and puffy eyes with red flushed cheeks looked at the members with pleading eyes.

My heart clenched at the sight, I looked at him with a sad frown. I quickly took off my shoes and walked towards Jimin.

"Mochi..." I mumbled.

Watching him look at me with a teary face before wiggling out of Chan's grip and running towards me.

Scooping him in my arms, feeling him bury his face in my chest.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow, Goodnight" I bowed.

Taking a small plate of kimbab and walking towards my room. Placing the plate on my nightstand as I sat down on my bed with the toddler.

"Shh now Mochi, Big Hyungie's here" I whispered soothingly. Rocking back and forth as he slowly calmed down to sniffles and whimpers.

"Did you eat Bub?" I asked earning a shake of the head.

He hasn't been eating properly, only if I feed him

"Are you hungry?" I asked

"Nu" he mumbled, shaking his head.

"Will you eat for Hyungie?" I asked.

"O-otay" he pouted.

Smiling softly at the cute sight, I take the plate of kimbab and slowly feed it to him

"Wan' Noona" he sniffled, looking up at me with wide doe eyes.

"We'll get her back Mochi, please don't cry" I sighed sadly, wiping the few tears that rolled down his cheeks.

"Weally?" He asked.

"Yes Champ, I'll get her back no matter what" I smiled.

"Pinky pwomise?" He asks, taking out his small chubby Pinky.

Chuckling softly as I link my pinky with his.

"Pinky promise" I smiled.

"Yay" he cheered softly, yawning as he rests his head on my chest.

"Let's sleep" I smiled.

Quickly changing him into a yellow onesie as I change into a pair of black sweatpants and stay shirtless.

Laying down next to the now sleeping toddler as I stare at the white ceiling.

Sighing every once in a while as my thoughts overwhelmed me.

"Y/N, where are you..." I whispered sadly.

◇Are You Okay?◇ [Hwang Hyunjin X Depressed Reader] (Straykids FF) Completed!Where stories live. Discover now