Chapter: 6◇

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Hyunjin's POV:

Pouting slightly when I hear the cute toddler sob in Y/N arms as she bows towards us and leaves.

"He's so cute" I cooed earning hums from everyone.

"Why does she only smile when she's with that child" Jisung frowned.

"Its better to not question things young man. She's been through enough, you don't need to add more to that"

Turning our heads to see a handsome man walk towards us. His hair dyed a beautiful blue and earrings dangling from his ear.

"I apologize for my friend's behavior..." looking at his nametag with a slight smile. "...Taehyung-ssi" turning my head to glare at Jisung, only for him to ignore me and stare out of the window.

"Its okay Kiddo" he says with a boxy smile. "So can I take your orders?" He asks.

With a nod we all ask for specific things. But something caught my eye. Turning my head to see the back door of the Cafè slightly open. Giving me a perfect view of Y/N cuddling the small toddler.

My smile faltering when I see tears roll down her cheeks as she quickly wipes it away. Covering the child and walking back out with a poker face.

My eyes watching her like a hawk as she takes the order from Taehyung and walks behind the counter.

She seems so broken. What's going on for her to turn out like this. Is she okay?

Y/N's POV:

Making the specific orders for Hyunjin and his friends as I sit next to Taehyung with a tired groan.

"I'm so tired, but if I actually lye down I can't sleep" I said.

"I know you work hard and it's for Jimin, but calm down. You're just 18, think about yourself for once" he lectured, making drinks for people.

Sighing as I look away, biting my lip only to hiss in pain.

Damn it!

Placing the drinks on a tray and making my way towards Hyunjin's table. Placing the drinks towards specific people.

"Enjoy your drinks, please call me if you need anything else" I said with a bow and soon left the five students.


A few hours later and the five students are still here. Hyunjin giving me a few glances every once in a while making me feel awkward.

I just want them to leave, since they came they're almost everywhere I go. Sighing for the nth time today I clean vacant tables.

Going back to the counter, sitting behind the till with tired eyes.

And what feels like forever Hyunjin comes up to pay whilst his friends leave the Cafè.

Taking his card as I push it into the machine, keeping my head lowered and avoiding eye contact from his intensive stare.

"Are you okay?" He suddenly asked. Looking at me worriedly, his eyes drifting to my lips then to my neck.

Flinching out of shock at I stare up at him with wide eyes.

Feeling tears well up in my eyes as I slowly nod, not trusting my mouth.

Hyunjin's POV:

"Are you okay?" I asked, looking at her worriedly. My eyes drifting to her cut lip then to her neck to see red hand marks.

◇Are You Okay?◇ [Hwang Hyunjin X Depressed Reader] (Straykids FF) Completed!Where stories live. Discover now