Chapter: 10◇

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Y/N's POV:

Hyunjin and the others hasn't spoken to me since last week and I'm grateful for that. I don't want to get attached to people that act like they care for me.

It's best to remain in your boundaries and and not get attached to people. They'll leave you when their sick and tired of you and then you have to deal with not being around them anymore.

My father hasn't been home for the past week and I'm happy, my body hasn't completely healed but it's better than what happened last week.

I've earned enough money to take care of the house and I even bought Jimin a new plushie!

I was so happy to see the cute smile on his face.

At the moment I'm leaving school for work with my bag full of papers to work on.

Walking peacefully as I just make it to the doors-

"Ah!" Yelping in pain when I'm pulled back by my hair, I was pushed down to the floor as I hear high pitched laughs echo throughout the hallway.

"Where do you think you're going?"

Looking up to see Jennie and her friends smirking at my small form lying on the floor.

"That's none of your business" I answered with a clenched jaw.

"Who the hell do you think you are?! Do you even know who I am, talking to me like some sort of Queen!!" She shouts kicking me in the face.

Turning my head to the side as I feel blood trickling down my nose.

"Tsk, pathetic" Jennie mutters, pulling me up by my hair and slamming me against the wall.

"Now I ask again, where do you think you're going?" She asks.

"And I say again, that's none of your business" I answered, looking at her with a glare.

Watching in horror as she snaps her finger and her minions come kicking at me. Their heels digging into my skin as I squirm and cover myself from their blows.

Once they stop I look up at Jennie with watery eyes.

"Bitch!" I shouted, watching her look at me in disbelief.

Her hand coming up to give me a slap as I quickly close my eyes waiting for the stinging pain. But it doesn't come


Looking up to see Hyunjin holding Jennie's wrist, looking at her in anger.

"What the fuck are you doing to her?!" He shouted.

Watching how Jennìe and the others lower their heads in fear.

"O-oppa s-she-" Jennie stuttered in fake fear, turning to me showing her wide doe eyes.

"She called me a bitch!" She answered.

"I was here the whole time, she was leaving peacefully and you had to interfere. Don't give me that bullshit" Hyunjin scolded, shoving her hand away.


"Apologize" Hyunjin said.

"W-what?" Jennie asked in disbelief.

"I said fucking apologize to her!!" He shouted, looking at her with a red face from all the pressure.

Watching Jennie slowly turn to look at me with a scowl.

"Sorry Y/N" she muttered.

"Its okay" I sighed, knowing I'm in big trouble.

Once they left I was helped up by Hyunjin. Watching him take out a tissue and wipe away the blood trickling down my nose.

"Be careful next time. And there's nothing wrong with asking for help, you know" he said looking at me worriedly.

"Thank you" I bowed, taking my bag ready to leave. Before-

"Y/N, do you trust us. Do you trust me?" He suddenly asks.

"I barely even know you Hwang, why would I just randomly trust you" I answered, looking at him with furrowed eyebrows.

Sighing when I dont get an answer and leave the school going to work.

Hyunjin's POV:

Watching her leave with a slight frown as I quickly run to the others.

"There you are, where were you?" Felix asks.

"Let's go, Y/N just left" I said ignoring him as I grab my bag.

Y/N's POV:

Sighing as I pack my bags and leave to pick up Jimin. Furrowing my eyebrows as I turn around to see if anyone has been following me.

Once I left school I couldn't shake off this feeling of being watched and it was uncomfortable. I hate it!

Once I arrived at Jimin's Daycare, I couldn't help but get angry at the sight of Jimin in Hyunjin's arms giggling and laughing with the others.

"Noona!" Jimin grins noticing me standing there with a frown.

Watching him wiggle out of Hyunjin's grip and run towards me. Quickly picking him up I look at the others with a glare.

"What do you guys think you're doing, just coming to my brothers Daycare and act like you guys already know each other" I scolded.

"Noona, don't be sho mean. Minnie jushed shaw Big Hyungies and wan (ran) to them" Jimin pouted.

"And that's where you're wrong Jimin, you can't just run to random people" I said with a sigh.

" 'M sowwy"

"Sorry Y/N" they said in unison.

"Its okay" I sighed.

"But you Mr, we have to have a talk" I told Jimin.

Laughing when he suddenly lays on my shoulder acting like he is asleep.

"My silly mochi" I smiled.

Leaving the others behind as I walk to my next job. The Cafè.

Turning around as I furrow my eyebrows to see the others following me...odd.

◇Are You Okay?◇ [Hwang Hyunjin X Depressed Reader] (Straykids FF) Completed!Where stories live. Discover now