Chapter: 14◇

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Hyunjin's POV:

As I sat with the sleeping siblings in my arms, I heard the sound of a car outside and two doors opening and slamming shut.

The front door creaked open and two heads popped out causing a relieved sigh to escape my lips.

"What happened here?!" Jeongin whisper shouted, looking around the untidy room and then shifting his gaze to the two in my arms.

"Are they okay?" Chan asked looking at them worriedly.

"Jimin's fine just a bit shaken up, Y/N is injured but nothing you can't handle" I answered smiling up at them.

"Jeongin, can you go and find Jimin's room and pack some clothes for him?" I asked earning a nod in return as he ran upstairs looking through the rooms.

"What about her?" Chan asked pointing at Y/N.

"She'll wear my clothes" I answered with a small blush.

In a few minutes Jeongin came walking back downstairs with a backpack full of the toddlers clothes, throwing the bag at Chan for him to catch.

"See you guys in the car" Chan said, catching the bag and leaving the house.

"I'll take Jimin" Jeongin said, opening his arms as he carefully takes the sleeping toddler out of my arms.

Once Jeongin left, I looked down at Y/N whose face is buried into my chest and tightly clutching onto my hoodie.

As I brought her into my lap, I felt her flinch and shake as a whimper left her mouth.

"Shh" I whispered kissing her forehead slowly calming her down.

Slowly getting up which unfortunately woke her up.

"Where's Jimin? where are we going? Did my Appa take hi-"

"He's in the car with Jeongin, we're going to my house. Calm down, I've got you" I said, cutting her off.

Watching her nod as she rested her head on my shoulder and wrapped her arms around my neck as I walked out of the house.

Hopping into the car ready to leave.

"You're safe now" I whispered.

"Thank you for helping us, even though I was so distant with you guys" she whispered back trying to keep her eyes opened.

"No need to thank me, I was only doing what was right. Now go to sleep" I said.

Tightening my grip around her as she whimpered when we went over a speed bump.


"I know, once we're home Channie Hyung will patch you up"

Once she nodded she soon fell asleep in my arms as I looked up to lock eyes with Chan in the rear view mirror.

"What happened?" He asked.

"I'll tell you when we get home" I answered, earning a nod in response.

Looking at Jeongin to see him hugging Jimin protectively, kissing his forehead once in a while.

That child's done a lot to us, made our hearts soft and a lot more happier. All of us like to treat him and give him lots of sweets and snacks without Y/N knowing.

He truly is a special and innocent child.

Once Chan parked in front of our house, I gently woke up Y/N. Watching her flinch with a sad frown.

"Mmh?" She hummed sleepily, snuggling into my chest.


"We're here Y/N" I said, getting out of the car with her in my arms.

She's so light to carry...

Once we entered the house I looked at Jeongin.

"Why don't you change him, try to be gentle. He's still scared" I said.

"Yeah, see you guys just now" he answered leaving to his room.

"Get her into some loose clothes, I need to tend to her wounds. I'll be there in a few minutes" Chan said leaving to his own room.

Nodding my head as I leave to my own room, placing Y/N on my bed as I rummage through my closet for a shirt.

Y/N's POV:

Sitting on Hyunjin's bed as I looked around his room. Smiling softly at the posters of kpop bands on his walls. Most of them were a group called Got7.

"This is the smallest shirt I have, but it might be big on you" Hyunjin said, handing me a white shirt.

"Thank you" I said taking the shirt from him.

"I'll go and check for shorts for you so I'll give you some privacy" he said and left the room.

As I took off my torn hoodie, I looked at the body sized mirror opposite me.

Looking at the bruises and wounds littering my body made me scrunch my nose in disgust.

Looking down at my wrist to see open cuts I made yesterday and this morning. Looking down to my sides to see my ribs sticking out, my stomach different shades of red, blue and purple.

With a sigh I put on the white shirt to see it end at my mid thighs, sniffing the shirt made me smile in content

It smells like him-


I was cut of by a cough, looking up at the door to see Hyunjin standing there with a pair of navy blue shorts with white lines on the sides, in his hand.

"H-how long were y-you standing there?' I asked awkwardly.

"Long enough..." he mumbled.

(She's wearing a blouse almost like a crop top, so he didn't see anything inappropriate)

Lowering my head in embarrassment as my eyes watered slightly.

"When was the last time you ate?"

"I-I...I don't know" I mumbled.

Looking up when I hear sniffles.

"Y/N..." he croaked out looking at me with watery eyes.

"Why?" He asked walking closer to me.

Shaking my head as I don't answer him.

But what shocked me the most was when he brought me into a hug.

"Its okay now, you're okay. You can get yourself back together now" he whispered.

Awkwardly bringing my arms around him as I buried my face into his neck breathing in his scent that I've gotten addicted to in less than 24 hours.


Lifting my head up to see a familiar face with wavy brown hair.

"Bang Chan?" I call out.

"Yes, it's me. I'm here to take care of your wounds" he said walking towards me with a first aid kit.

Nodding my head to his words as Hyunjin let's go of the hug ready to leave-

"Please stay" I said, quickly grabbing his wrist.

Watching him look at me slightly shocked but nods neverless.

◇Are You Okay?◇ [Hwang Hyunjin X Depressed Reader] (Straykids FF) Completed!Where stories live. Discover now