Chapter: 24◇

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Y/N's POV:

I squinted my eyes as the door opened, showing two figures entered. Immediately recognizing my father and one of his friends as I move backwards into a corner.

"I see you're awake" my father grinned.

"Wash her up Lee. We have our first customer on the way" he said before leaving the room.

I whimpered in fear as a buff bald guy walked towards me with a sinister smile.

"W-what are y-y-you doing?" I stuttered with wide eyes.

I was met with a back hand, my lip splitting in the process as I felt blood drip down my chin.

"You filthy slut, you don't get to talk to me!" He shouted

I was dragged by my hair. Taken to a different room with white, tiled walls.

I looked around with wide scared eyes before being pushed into a corner, moving back into the wall as I watched the man take a green hose pipe before looking at me.

"Strip" he said.

Widening my eyes in fear as I shake my head.

"N-no please" I begged with folded palms, tears glossed over my eyes as I kneeled down. "I d-didn't do any-anything to y-you. Why are you d-doing th-this to m-me" I cried out.

"Just please LET ME GO!!" I shouted, my voice echoing throughout the room.

"Shut up, slut!" he said slapping me across the face. Watching him take out a knife before walking towards me.

"Guess I'll have to strip you myself" he laughed.

Backing away as I cry out when he pounces on me.


I felt humiliated and disgusted. I sat naked, shivering in the cold as water droplets dripped from every part of my body.

My clothes cut to pieces and lying in one corner of the room. My body bruised and wounded from wrestling to just keep my dignity.

Tears ran down my cheeks as my teeth gritted together, my long brown hair covered my body parts.

Hearing the door creak open before footsteps approached me.

"Here, wear this!"

I flinched as a piece of clothing was thrown at my face, holding it up to see a blue oversized shirt.

Quickly putting it on to see it end just above my knees and ends by my elbows. Feeling it stick to my skin from the water on my body.

I was harshly pulled up by my arms and dragged to yet another room.

Entering big brown doors to see a fire place on one side of the room and a big chair with straps on the sides.

"You look much better"

Looking up to see my father enter the room and point towards the big chair with straps.

"Sit" he demanded.

Too scared to cause a fight, I quickly sat down and was strapped to the chair.

I watched how my father walked towards the fire place taking an iron rod and putting it into the fire.

"W-what are you d-doing?" I asked with wide eyes.

"I'm marking you, to make sure no one steals you from my business" he smirked before taking out the iron rod and walked towards me.

I looked at him shocked, trying to process the words before looking at the hot red iron rod. Thrashing around in my seat as I plead for him to stop.

"Calm down, this only hurt a little...much" he laughed before pressing the rod into my wrist.

I screamed, cried and thrashed violently in my seat as I heard the skin sizzle and burn. The sensation was painful and what felt like forever, he finally pulled it away from my skin.

I looked at my wrist to see a big 'X' on my wrist. Surrounding it was red irritated skin, tears ran down my cheeks as I realised...I couldn't get rid of this

"That's much better" he smiled innocently.

"You're a fucking PSYCHO!!!" I shouted through tears.

My head soon flies to the side from the impact of the slap I just got.

"Watch your mouth you swine" he snarled before leaving the room.

Another guy entered the room, hearing him snicker as he looked at my wrist.

"Nice tattoo" he teased, digging his fingers into my sensitive skin.

(Do you have a tattoo?
I have one 😃)

Crying out in pain as I throw my head back.

I was soon taken out of the chair and dragged back too the room I was in for now two weeks.

I crawled into the corner rocking back and forth.

"Everything's going to be okay Y/N. You'll be okay" I reassured but not knowing myself.

Hyunjin's POV:

"Mr Hwang, we have just tracked down Park Y/N's phone. Please come to the station and follow us" they said on the phone.

I sighed in relief as I grabbed my jacket and left my room.

"Thank you officer, I'll be there in 5 minutes" I smiled cutting the call.

"Hyung, they found Y/N's location. They want us at the station now!" I shouted throughout the house.

And everyone came tumbling down the stairs into the living room looking at me with wide eyes.

"Really?!" They asked.

"Yes now let's go!" I said, taking Jimin out of Jisung's arms and smiling at the sleepy Mochi.

"We're going to get your Noona, Mochi" I told him.

"Weally?" He asked, his face lighting up.

"Yes really, sleep. I'll wake you up when we're there" I smiled, laying his head on my shoulder already hearing his snores.


We are following the police for the past 3 hours and we've now neared an abandoned building with 3 cars and 2 vans parked outside.

"I think this is it" Chan said behind the wheel and parked one side.

Jumping out of the car and running into the building with the police as I shout:


◇Are You Okay?◇ [Hwang Hyunjin X Depressed Reader] (Straykids FF) Completed!Where stories live. Discover now