Chapter: 20◇

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Y/N's POV:

I laughed as I watched Jimin hold a bear plushie twice the size of him. Watching him stumble and fall as he tries to look where he's going.

"Do you need help Minnie?" I asked.

"Yesh pwease" He whined handing me the bear plushie.

Following the toddler as he cheers on Hyunjin whose versing Jeongin in a car race.

"Win Big Hyungie, fwight against Innie Hyungie and win. I wan' another pwushie!" Jimin cheered Hyunjin on as Jeongin started pouting.

Hyunjin soon won the race and got another plushie, giving it to Jimin and picking him up as they cheer.

Laughing and cooing at the sight with a bright smile on my face.


"Nuu, don' kill Mwistew Zwombie, Minnie wan be fwiends with them" Jimin whined, running to the screen and trying to stop my avatar from killing the zombies.

Currently Jisung and I are playing a zombie game. Both of us are trying to survive the game, but Jisung makes all of us jump from his unexpected scream.

(idk what the game is called. Have you guys ever played plants vs zombies? If you did we're officially friends🥺)

"We have to kill the zombies Mochi, their bad" Hyunjin said, picking Jimin up and holding him in his arms.

"Nuu, wan' be fwiends with Mwistew Zwombies" he pouted, hiding his face in Hyunjin's neck.

"You're too pure for this world Minnie" Hyunjin cooed.

Turning to them for one second but in return I lost the game.

"No!" I shouted.

"Yay, Minnie hawe mowe fwiends!" Jimin cheered.

Pouting as I lean back in my chair, crossing my arms like a child throwing a tantrum.

"Cute..." Hyunjin said with a soft smile. Only realizing now what he said before widening his eyes. "I didn't mean- no I- yes but-" he cut himself off.

I felt my cheeks heat up as my cheeks and ears turned a light shade of red. Turning my head to look at the others as they laughed at us and shouted 'whipped' or 'oooh', confusing me.

"Noona, 'M hungwy" Jimin mumbled with a pout as he cutely rubbed his stomach.

"Okay, okay Minnie. Let's go eat" I smiled, standing up as I take him in my arms.

"I'll come with you. I'm also feeling a bit hungry" Hyunjin smiled.

Nodding my head as I take my bag and leave the arcade with the two.


"Minnie, you're so messy" I sighed, taking out wet wipes and wiping his messed cheeks and hands.

I watched how he whined and carried on eating the black bean noodles and pizza he took from both Hyunjin and I.

"He's so cute!" Hyunjin cute.

"He's cute, but he's a handful" I sighed tiredly.

"Nuu, Minnie's a good boy" Jimin interfered, his eyes watering at my words.

"Yes, Yes you're a good boy. Now please don't cry" I panicked, kissing his cheeks multiple times.

"Otay!" He giggles and carried on eating.

"He's so cute, and he even played you" Hyunjin laughed.

"You'll have to go through this one day, and when it happens I'll be the one laughing" I said, pointing my chopsticks at him.

All three of us giggled together before a waitress came.

"Aww, such a cute family. Is this your son and wife Sir?" She asked, smiling softly at us.

Feeling my face flush a bright red as I try to answer but I only stutter.

"Yes, they are. We're a cute and happy family" Hyunjin said shocking me.

Widening my eyes at his words as I choke on my saliva.

"That's so cute-" she squealed. "-how old is he?" She asked.

"He's 4 years old" Hyunjin answered as I just sat there flabbergasted.

"He's adorable!" She smiled.

"Adowable?" Jimin asked, tilting his head cutely.

"Yes Adorable, little one. Are you guys enjoying the food, do you need anything else?" She asked, looking at Hyunjin and I.

"J-just the bill please" I stuttered, looking down.

"I'll be right back" she smiled.

"Why did you say that?" I asked.

"Did you look at yourself, Haha, your face is so red" he laughed.

And my face only became a darker shade of red.

"I'm just playing around" he laughed.

"You're worse than a child" I shook my head as I smiled shyly whilst Jimin looked at us confusedly.

◇Are You Okay?◇ [Hwang Hyunjin X Depressed Reader] (Straykids FF) Completed!Where stories live. Discover now