Chapter: 18◇

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Y/N's POV:

Standing on wobbly legs as I enter the dining room. Smiling softly at the sight of Jimin goofing around with Hyunjin and Jeongin as Chan sets the table.

"Noona!" Minnie calls out for me.

"Yes Minnie?"

"Wan' chu" he whined making grabby hands.

"Uh... Bubs" I mumbled nervously not being able to tell him, I can't carry him.

But suddenly we all heard a high pitched gasp, both Jimin and I turned our heads to face Hyunjin who looks at at Jimin making a hurt expression.

"Mochi doesn't want to stay with Big Hyungie?" Hyunjin asks with a pout.

Jimin obviously falling for Hyunjin's acting and immediately hugs Hyunjin like a koala.

"Nuu, Minnie wan Big Hyungie" Jimin pouted.

Smiling as I mouth a 'Thank You' to Hyunjin for helping me out.

"Come sit with us Y/N" Jeongin invited.

Smiling softly with a nod, I slowly make my way in between Hyunjin and Jeongin. Sitting down with a sigh. Smiling as I hear Jimin giggle in Hyunjin's arms.

"Noona, Can Minnie sit with chu?" Jimin asks.

"Sure, come here" I smiled taking him in my arms and sitting him on my lap.

"Thank you" I mumbled as Chan places a small plate of food in front of Jimin.

But widening my eyes as a big plate of food is placed in front of me.

"I'm sorry Chan-ssi but I don't want so much" I softly said, only to receive a glare in return.

"How can you not eat, look at yourself. That's the smallest shirt we have in this house but it looks humongous on you. I can even see your bones" Chan scolded.

Lowering my head in embarrassment and shutting my mouth as Hyunjin stands up.

"Hyung that's enough, you're being too harsh on he-"

"No, no it's fine. I understand, please just...don't fight" I cut Hyunjin off as I look at the duo.

Watching their eyes soften at my words.

"I'm sorry Y/N, I might not know much about you...but you're young and looking so skinny that your bones are sticking out. I can't help but worry about you" Chan sighed, looking at me with worried eyes.

"Thank you and I'm sorry for worrying you" I bowed with a soft smile.

A few minutes later I'm feeding the little mochi in my arms, hearing him tell me stories about what his plushies told him and how Hyunjin and Jeongin tease him. Giggling at how he puffs his cheeks out huffing at them before turning to me as he whines.

"You need to eat also Y/N" Chan suddenly says.

Widening my eyes as I didn't even touch my plate. Nodding my head reluctantly. Grabbing my chopsticks and slowly taking a bite from the kimchi.

Putting my chopsticks back down as I feed Jimin. Chatting away with Jeongin before Chan interrupts me again.

"One bite is not enough" he says with Hyunjin agreeing with him.

"Sorry..." I mumble. Taking my chopsticks again and taking five more bites.

Already feeling full, I look up with guilty eyes.

"I'm sorry Chan-ssi but I can't finish" I said.

Hearing a sigh from all of them made me even more guilty.

"I'm sorry" I lowered my head.

"No it's alright, as long as you eat something" Hyunjin smiled.


Lying in bed with a sleeping mochi beside me. Silent tears running down my cheeks as I looked up at the ceiling.

My father just had to use Jimin against me. I thought we had an agreement to never bring Jimin into this abusive life. He's just a child, he doesn't know much yet and you want to hurt him-

I was cut off by my thoughts by a feeling of nausea. Feeling bile coming up my throat made me shoot up from the bed and run towards the bathroom connected to the bedroom.

Just as I kneeled down near the toilet, chunks of food came falling out of my mouth, my body jerking forward everytime.

Suddenly feeling a pair of hands gently pull my hair out of my face and rubbing my back soothingly.

Flinching at the skin to skin contact. Turning my head to see Hyunjin looking at me with tired but worried eyes.


I couldn't even finish before I was throwing up again. Feeling my stomach and throat burn from the acid as I gasp for air.

Finally after what feels like forever, I stood up on shaky legs. Flushing the toilet before turning to the sink and grabbing the spare toothbrush Hyunjin gave me and brushed my teeth.

"Sorry if I woke you up" I mumbled guiltily.

"No you didn't wake me up, I wanted to get some water and I heard you...yeah" he said.

"But are you okay? You basically threw up everything and you didn't eat much anyway" he continued.

Lowering my head as I keep quiet.

"Wait- so you mean that you can't keep food in your system. If you eat something your body thinks its foreign and tries to get rid of it" he gasps in realization.

"I guess you can say that" I mumbled with a yawn.

"Go sleep, we'll talk about this tomorrow" he sighed, smiling softly at me.

Nodding my head as I bid him 'Goodnight' before leaving the bathroom. Sighing with a laugh as I look at Jimin sprawled all over the bed.

Small body but takes up the whole bed...unbelievable.

◇Are You Okay?◇ [Hwang Hyunjin X Depressed Reader] (Straykids FF) Completed!Where stories live. Discover now