Chapter: 3◇

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Hyunjin's  POV:

Jisung and I were really shocked. Did we do something wrong? She barely even looked at us, she didn't even show any reaction.

She was almost like a robot. Is she having a bad day?

What's going on?

"Can I please see your schedules so I can direct you to your classes after reg?" She asked us.

Her soft yet monotone voice rung through my ears. It was calm and soothing as if I could hear it all the time just so I can fall asleep

Jisung and I nodding in sinc as we hand her our schedules, only to hear her sigh.

"We have the same classes except for 3. I'll show you those during break, so for now just follow me" she said, giving our schedules back. Avoiding eye contact.

"Uhmm, would you like to hang out with my friends and I during break?" I suddenly asked. Wanting to know more about her, I feel like I want to be more close to be there for her

But for what?

"I'm sorry but I have things to do, but thank you for the offer" she politely declined.

Watching her lower her head as we listen to Mrs Kim talk about upcoming events and meetings that parents and teachers have to attend.

But I wasn't paying attention to that. I was paying attention to Y/N, she looks like she's in pain everytime she moves around. Hearing her wince every now and then made me glance at her worriedly.

What's wrong?

Y/N's POV:

It's now the third class we're attending. Walking through the sea of students  rushing past us to go to class or to bunk class instead. I could careless.

Checking behind me to make sure the two new students are following close. I don't want them getting lost because I'll get into trouble.

Both tried to strike up a conversation with me during class, only ending up with one word answers. Only helping them when they struggle with work. Other than that I mind my own businesses and carry on with school, but they don't seem to get that...don't they. But their-

I was knocked out of my thoughts when someone harshly pushed me. Feeling my bruised back collide with cold hard wall.

Whimpering in pain as I feel my books fall to the floor. Ignoring the pain in my back, I crouch down to the floor, reaching out for my book only for someone to tramp my hand with their foot.

Digging their shoe into my hand caused me to let out a hiss as tears formed in my eyes.

"Bitch why are you even here when you know no one likes you!"

"Do me a favour and just disappear"

The student shouted, putting more pressure on my hand before leaving for class. Just as I was going to grab my books, I saw Hyunjin crouch down as well. Picking up my books and handing it to me with a sympathetic look.

I don't need your sympathy!

Standing up as I mutter a small 'thank you'. Turning around as we leave for class, trying to ignore the burning sensation from my hand. Not surprised when I see a bruise start to form.

"W-why did he do that to you?" I heard Jisung ask.

"That's none of your business" I answered. Looking down as we enter the classroom, sitting in the back close to the window as Jisung and Hyunjin sat in front of me.

◇Are You Okay?◇ [Hwang Hyunjin X Depressed Reader] (Straykids FF) Completed!Where stories live. Discover now