Chapter: 25◇

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Y/N's POV:

I couldn't even cry anymore. I haven't cried so much in my life to the point I don't even have tears anymore.

I looked out the window and smiled sadly, at least I could still see the stars.

I've tried to kill myself multiple times to try and escape this pain. Trying to find whatever glass to cut my skin, but it was no use.

I just want to have a normal and happy that too much to ask for?

I want to go home and-

I was cut off by my thoughts by a voice outside the door.

"Don't worry, I'll get her for you sir"

Shaking in fear when the door opens and two of my father's friends enter the room.

Screaming when they grab my arms, thrashing around in their hold. Trying to escape- until I felt a sting in my neck.

Only realizing now they just injected something into me. A few minutes later of wrestling each other, I felt my senses heighten but my body weaken.

My knees buckled and before I knew it I was carried to another room.

Looking around the bright orange and red room with a man sitting shirtless, full of tattoos on a white bed.

Trying to move my legs but whimpered in distress as my body felt numb.

I was tied to the bed and the door soon closed leaving me with this unknown man.

"Please..." I cried.

I felt my body start to heat up, my hair sticking to my sweaty skin as my breathing increases.

"Shhh, don't worry. I'll make you feel good real soon" he smirked. Rubbing my exposed thigh. His lustful gaze lingered on me before-


I'm saved?
Thank god

I cried in joy as the man immediately let go of my legs, hearing him shout:

"Shit, I gotta get out of here!"

And he ran out of the room.


I heard a familiar voice shout out , I lifted my head lazily. Suddenly feeling sleepy as I see Hyunjin enter the room.

"H...Hyunjin" I mumbled.

Hyunjin's POV:

My heart clenched at the sight of Y/N tied up to the bed. Her chest rising up and down at a rapid pace.

"Y/N!!" I shouted in shock, running towards her as I untie her.

"H...Hyunjin" she mumbled in my arms.

"I'm sorry I couldn't protect you" I sobbed, burying my face into the crook of her neck as she clutches onto my jacket.

"I-its're here now" she smiled weakly.

I kissed her cheek multiple times as I heard her cute giggles, I smiled at the sound I missed dearly as she yawned in my arms.

"I feel so tired all of a sudden" she mumbled.

"Sleep, I'm're safe now" I whispered reassuringly.

I smiled softly as she fell limp in my arms, soft snores emitting from her.

I looked at her body and I couldn't help the tears to fall down my cheeks, she had bruises and cuts everywhere. Especially on her wrists signifying she hurt herself.

◇Are You Okay?◇ [Hwang Hyunjin X Depressed Reader] (Straykids FF) Completed!Where stories live. Discover now