Chapter: 22◇

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Y/N's POV:

"H...H-hyunjin" I sobbed.

"Y/N, what's wrong?Why are you crying? I'm coming to get you-"

"No! You'll get hurt" I cut him off, widening my eyes at the thought.

"Noona~" I heard a cheerful voice.

Quickly covering my mouth to hide my sobs. Not wanting Jimin to panic and cry.

"Hey there Minnie" I said trying not to cry.

"Minnie miss Noona~" he whined "but Noona come bwack" he giggled.

"Minnie, I want you to h-hear me out o-okay?" I asked waiting for a response.

Hearing him giggle and gurgle to the sound of my voice not knowing what's actually going on.

Keeping my eyes on my father as he puts a cap and a mask on to hide his identity from the world.

Tears ran down my face as I stared at my phone with sad eyes. Trying to keep calm and not cry in front of my brother.

Stray Kids POV:

Everyone surrounded Hyunjin's phone with worried expressions, except for the toddler whose happy to hear his sister again.

"Noona will miss you so much. You're the best and the cutest brother I've ever had. I love you" she said.

"Wuv you too Noona" he smiled, not really understanding the meaning of that message.

But his giggling stopped once he heard his sister break down crying. His eyes glossed over with tears before he looked at Felix and Jeongin.

"C-can I speak to H-Hyunjin please?" She sobbed.

Hyunjin took his phone and stepped out of the car whilst Seungmin phoned Chan to tell him what's happening whilst Felix and Jeongin tried to calm down a crying toddler.

Jisung whose now awake sat there with wide eyes, worried for Y/N.

Hyunjin's POV:

"Y/N? Please tell me what's wrong?" I asked.

"I-I can't" she cried.

"Please, I need to know in order to help you" I said, furrowing my eyebrows as I worriedly look at random objects.

"Y-you'll get hurt" she said.

"I don't care if I get hurt, just tell me where are you?" I asked.

"You can even just say one word and I'll know"

"Appa!!!" She screamed. Then I heard some shuffling and Y/N's cries.

Widening my eyes at the mention of her father, just as I was going to go back to the car I was met with a deep, gruff voice.


"Fucking bastard" I said through gritted teeth. Feeling pissed.

Y/N's POV:

I flinched as my father grabbed the phone out of my hands before saying something and then cutting the call.

Widening my eyes when he takes out a black handgun from his pocket.

"A-appa?" I call out watching him look at me with a wide grin.

Tears ran down my cheeks as I tried to run, I tried to get out of the van. I hit the windows calling for help.

But my father yanked my hair back looking at me with dark eyes.

"Your life is going to be hell Y/N. You made your mother suffer, it's only fair if you went through the same" he whispered, looking at me with a sarcastic look of concern.

"I'm sure you'll survive this though. By using you! I'll become so rich" he laughed.

I whimpered in fear as I backed away from him, only to cry in pain when he hits me on the side of my face with the gun, banging my head on the window and I blacked out with a cry.

◇Are You Okay?◇ [Hwang Hyunjin X Depressed Reader] (Straykids FF) Completed!Where stories live. Discover now