Chapter: 4◇

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Arriving just on time for work. Sighing as I put my bag down behind the counter. Taking some work out to start with.

People coming in and out at random times, buying certain things and leaving the store as I just help them out and go back to doing schoolwork.

Just as I started my Math's homework, I heard the bell chime. Signaling someone came in.

Lifting my head up to see a pale looking man with chocolate brown, wavy hair. His black leather jacket made him look like a biker.

Turning back to my work as I waited for the customer to take what he needs and come pay for it.

And a few minutes later I am scanning his stuff. Keeping my head lowered as I mind my own business.

"Aren't you supposed to be at school?"

Flinching when I hear his voice. Well that was unexpected.

"Aren't you supposed to be at work?" I bite back, looking at him with a raised eyebrow as I put his items in a plastic bag.

"Touchè" he answered, giving me the said amount of money.

"My name is Bang Chan, what's yours?" He asked.

"Park Y/N" I answered.

"Its nice to meet you Y/N. Hope you have a nice day" he waved, taking the plastic bag.

"You too" I mumbled once he left.


Checking the time on my phone, I smiled slightly that my shift is over. Packing my bag and just as I stood up.

"Hey Y/N"

Lifting up my head up to see Mark that just entered the store for his shift.

"Hey Mark" I nodded.

Leaving the store to go pick up Jimin with a small smile lingering on my face.

Once I approach the Daycare centre, I see Jimin laughing and talking with his friends with excitement.

"Jimin!" I shout trying to get his attention.

Once he hears his name being called he looks in my direction. Seeing his face light up to see me, he says goodbye to his friends. Taking his bag and waddling towards me.

"Noona~!" He shouts crashing into my leg and hugging it tightly.

"Hey there Mochi" I smile, ruffling his hair.

Picking him up as we make our way to my second job. The Cafè. Smiling softly as Jimin hums a tune, playing with my hair.

"Minnie, how was your day at school. I hope you ate your lunch, do you have homework, no one is-"

"Noona, dwon't be so dwamatic" he softly scolds me, placing his small chubby hands on my cheeks and looked at me with a cute glare.

" 'an yesh! Minnie 'ave homwowk 'an Minnie ate wunch (lunch)" he told me, kissing my nose and then laying his head on my shoulder with a giggle.

"Okay, okay" I laugh, tightening my grip around him as I cross the street.

"Noona?" He calls for me.

"Mmh?" I hum softly.

"Can Minnie wisten to Bwaby Shwak?" he asks politely.

"Of course you can" I answered, placing him on my hip as I take out my phone and headphones. Placing the headphones on his small head and playing his favourite song. Baby Shark.

Listening to him softly sing to the song made smile at him. Kissing his cheek as we finally entered the Cafe.

"Hey Y/N"

Turning my head to see my cousin Kim Taehyung, serving the customers and giving them their orders.

"Hey Tae" I waved back. Looking at Jimin as he gasps cutely, waving at Taehyung with a grin.

"Hewwo  Tae-Tae Hyungie" Jimin waves, taking off the headphones.

"Hello Chim-Chim" Taehyung waves back.

Walking to the backroom, setting down Jimin on the couch. Both of us taking out our homework as my shift doesn't start yet.

I don't leave Jimin at home with my abusive father. It's too risky, Jimin is only a child and my father could kill him.

"Noona, I ish hungwy" Jimin whines, looking at me with a pout.

"Minnie, you know I can't give you anything to eat now" I sighed.

Widening my eyes when I see tears gloss over his eyes.

"Okay, okay please don't cry" I panicked, kneeling down in front of him.

"I'll give you your favourite donut, okay?" I ask. I guess there's nothing wrong with a deducted paycheck.

"Otay!" He grins at me with tears in his eyes.

Ruffling his hair with a sigh I leave the room as I take his favourite donut and placing it in a plate. Entering the room once again and giving it to him with a small smile.

"Tank chu Noona" he smiles, grabbing the plate with both hands as he eats it messily.

Putting on my apron, getting ready for my shift.

"Its okay Mochi" I laugh, wiping his face with wet wipes that I always carry around with me. Ignoring the whine escaping his lips.

"Please don't mess when eating. I'm going to work now so you know the drill. You only come to the front when there's an emergency, okay?" I ask, looking at him with serious eyes.

Seeing him nod made me smile as I ruffle his hair.

"Y/N it's time for your shift now!" I heard Taehyung shout in the front.

"Coming!" I smile. Leaving Jimin as I make my way to the front, behind the counter.

And already there's a customer.

"Good day Sir, welcome to V-licious. Can I take your order" I said not looking up, ready to type into the till.

Frowning when I don't get an answer, I look up to see Hyunjin and his friends. Slightly shocked, I patiently wait for an answer.

" we're eating here. Table for five please" Hyunjin asks.

Nodding my head as I take my notepad, pen and a cloth. Leaving the counter to a vacant table as I make sure its clean.

Once their all seated I opened my mouth and just as I was about to ask a question.

"Noona!" Jimin shouted, hearing his small feet run towards me hugging my legs.

"Aish this kid" I mutter with a slight groan.

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