chapter 34

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Sierra woke up to the persistant ringing of the bell. Mumbling she opened her eyes and lit the screen of her cellphone to see the time.

It was 6.30 AM. To her even on a weekday this was not an appropriate time to wake up.

Groaning she made her way to the door to find Sky standing outside her apartment. He looked tired and seemed to still nurse the hangover of last night. In his hand he held a mug of coffee and a bag.

"Sierra, you are to move in with me by the end of the weekend. I do not promise to love you. Nor will I pretend to be happy about our current situation. Nonetheless, you are pregnant with my child and for the sake of our unborn child, I promise to be civil. I will not cause you physical harm and I promise to not come home that drunk and behave as poorly as I did last night. I will try to leave you in peace. I will a hands on parent and will be there for my child. As for you, I will be around for you. Again, I cannot promise to be a good husband but I will try. Just, don't expect me to be in love with you and give me until our wedding to process the fact that I will be tied down to you."

Sierra stood at the door simply staring at him. She did not know what to say.

"Also, I think we should not wait until the arrival of the baby to be married and should go ahead and do that next week. We can apply for it at the city hall. Finally, you are pregnant so there will be no honeymoon currently as I do not plan on risking the life of my child for sex. Is that alright with you?"

When Sierra still had not responded Sky asked again. She processed it this time and agreed.


sorry for the extremely small chapters recently. I promise to stop with that now. I will write longer chapters and the story will only move forward from this point. It seems to have gotten stagnant recently. 

Finally, I have decided to finish all my open works by the end of next December, after which I am going to quit writing for good. I will focus only on writing Augeries of Innocence after that but I do not plan on publishing anything after next December. 

Been writing for way too many years and frankly I see no successful future  for me as a writer anymore so whats the use of trying, but because I am not allowed to quite writing till I finish my work because my mother wont let me I plan on finishing it soon. 

So unless something good happens for my book. I am gonna say adios soon.

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