Chapter 48

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"Sky! Sky! Sky!"

Aiyana squealed as she rushed into the classroom.

It made Sky smile as he looked up at her bouncing her way around and finally stopping in front of the first bench of the classroom.

"Aiyana we are still in college here. I am not Sky to you here."

Aiyana had settled herself on the table, her legs crossed over each other, shifting the hem of her dress a little higher. Revealing another inch of her long legs. Despite the shift in their relationship, Sky was still wildly attracted to Aiyana. In the dark mysteries of the night he still imagined Aiyana as his. As he stroked himself in the washroom away from the prying eyes of his wife, he imagined calling her his Desdemona. He knew it was wrong, these feelings that he had for Aiyana. She was innocent and like vanilla too pure to taste. And more than anything she loved Chris. The only man Sky would trust with his life. Sky would never do it to him. Or Aiyana.

Yet, as his hungry gaze moved along her endless legs he knew he would be spending the night haunted by the site of those legs and that extra inch of thighs Aiyana had so carelessly revealed in this moment.


"Oh yeah just like that baby. Do I make you feel good?"

Sky dropped his voice into a whispered growl. Aiyana was aware he was teasing her and yet for a moment her eyes lost focus.

"Pervert!" She screamed.

Sky had walked to Aiyana and now stood in front of her, the echo of an arousal reflected in his eyes.

"You were the one screaming my name. I simply asked if I brought you any pleasure"

Aiyana got off the table and stood in front of Sky, fisting his shirt in her hands for support she leaned closer to his ear and whispered, "Oh Sky you make me feel very good. Do you want you find out how good?"

Their game had just become dangerous without the two of them even realizing.

Stepping back Aiyana cleared her throat and announced, "Alright Othello lets go for lunch. Also, you are paying."

"One why are we going for lunch and secondly why am I paying?"

"Because this lunch is for your benefit. I am going to teach you how to be awesome."

"Are you Barney Stinsoning me?"

"Well, yes my dear Ted I am."

"And you'll stop annoying me if I go have lunch with you?"

Sky teased.

The smile that reached his eyes in that moment was what made Aiyana loose her track of thought. His grey eyes lit up and shone brighter than the sun itself. His lips curved on one side like he was trying not smile but couldn't help himself. It reminded her of the character Damon Salvatore from vampire diaries. And that single dimple would appear, oh so slyly. Making Aiyana weak on her knees. It was the most beautiful site she had seen.

"Sweetheart, you're the one who keeps calling us over to your place. So you might as well admit you're in love with me"

"Alright alright kid. Let's just feed you and let you Barney your way into my life for the millionth time again."

Sky sat across Aiyana watching her look at the menu. He was fascinated by it. Her head was slightly bend as her finger moved along each item, taking her own time to decide what would satisfy her taste buds best. Her tongue would occasionally trace her lower lip as if she could already taste the food that she would choose. Her eyes were partially hooded drawing her own pleasure out of the ordeal. Beautiful was not a word enough to describe Aiyana.

Her green eyes suddenly lifted as she caught Sky watching her. His eyes could best be described as hungry. The hunger that drew out her own arousal and pooled between her legs. And yet they sat there, quietly letting the rays of sun touch their skin the way they wanted to touch each other, the way they imagined their fingers would feel.

The waiter came by broke the tango their eyes danced asking them to place an order.

"So Aiyana..."

"So Sky..."

"Why are we here?"

"Because we need to talk"



"What about her?"

"Do you love the child she bears?"

"What a silly question to ask! Of course I already love my unborn child."

"Do you baby Ruth's mother?"

Sky hesitated in that moment. He cared for his wife of that he was sure, but love was too large a word to describe what it was he felt for Sierra.

"If I am being honest I am not sure what I feel for my wife."

"Does she make you happy?"

The only response Aiyana got from Sky was a sigh.

The loud breath hanging so heavily between them. Saddening her. Everyone deserved a few years of happy marriage before they came to this point.

"Well, either way all I can say is that she is more than just a uterus carrying Ruth."

"I never described her as that. She is more! She also is a convenient vagina!"

Sky said jokingly.

"Please will you be serious for just a moment you big old pervert!"

Aiyana chided.

"Alright alright. I understand my marriage is not as great as it should be. But what do you want me to do?"

"Well, for starts stop filling the holes of your marriage with Chris and I. Talk to your wife spend time with her. Make her feel special and adored. Make an effort my dear old man. Your marriage will be a lot more tolerable when the two of you start making an effort. And you can take the first step."

"That sounds cringy and romance novelish if you ask me. You women should read a heck lot less of that twilight stuff. Else in a few years you demands are going to be more on the lines of turn into a pale diamond glistening vampire or a fucking werewolf. Die for us like in those retched angel story books where the girl dies every 17 years and resurrects and shit."

"First of that novel is called the fallen series. Second of all both twilight and fallen series fucking rock. Diss my boys again and you will find your throat slit open. And what I am saying is not romance novelish"

Aiyana made air quotes before she continued.

"Its basic happy marriage stuff. Before my father turned into an absolute cheating cunt he actually managed to give my mother at least a few years of happy marriage with the flowers and the chocolates and the dancing. He kept her happy. She used to fucking smile! Unlike your wife who has to find companionship in me!"

Sky pressed his lips together in barely suppressed anger, but he did accept the chiding. He hated to admit that Aiyana was right. He did need to put in some effort if he wanted this marriage to work out. Because if it did not then this whole ordeal was for nothing.

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