Chapter 50

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Sierra was surprised to see the way Sky had decorated the room that previously belonged to Chris. He had turned it into a pillow fortress. Hanging large white sheets from the ceiling held up like parting curtains to circle the bed. He had mounted all the little pillows for where he seated her. A small table set in the middle that had a single plate and the entire room lit up with scented candles. It was a child's version of a date and yet something about it was adorable.

She watched him enter the room, the soft light of the candle dancing against his face. He had a tray held in his hand as he walked wearing nothing under the apron. The tray along with the plate of food held a tiara.

He placed it in front of her before taking the tiara and putting that on her head.

"Well my queen. I thought we could do an adult version of your childhood fortress. I am sorry that Queen Bianca could not join, so she sent me. With the orders to please you as you may see fit. And I, your humble servant am dressed to please you"

"How did you know?"

"Bianca told me of your little prince in the fortress fantasy."

"I am surprised."

Sky leaned in again, exactly as he had before with the sad whisper,

"Have I been so cruel?"

Sierra did not want to talk about it. She did not want to talk about the four months of neglect she had endured. Of being there and yet being invisible. She was not sure what she preferred the indifference or the anger that he had shown her during the time he found out about her pregnancy.

She read in a book and could relate to it when the protagonist said, "It depends on what kind of torture you prefer."

She did not want to speak about the nights she shared his bed only to be spoken to her belly. She honestly felt like his personal uterus or a way of communicating with his daughter. She did not wish to take the attention and love that Ruth received but sometimes she did wish for a millionth of that affection.

And tonight for some unknown reason she had it and she decided she was going to enjoy it.

Sky sat beside Sierra and dipped the spoon into the rice he had prepared for her, holding it out against her lips as he said, "Let me feed you..."

Sierra parted her lips letting the spoon enter her mouth so as to taste the red colored rice. It tasted hot and sweet at the same time, making the soft texture melt while the vegetables crunchy. It was a very confusing and yet delightful blend.

"What is this called?"

"It's a Chinese dish I learnt long ago from a friend in college. It's not authentically Chinese according to that friend of mine. He said it was an Indian blend of it. Anyways, it's called schezwan rice. I sort of made held back on the chili. You should have seen Yogesh. When he made for me the first time, it was so hot that tears ran down my eyes my tongue burned for like an entire hour."

"Who was Yogesh?"

"Right, so he was my roommate back in Harvard. A real annoying human being if you ask him. And so weird. He would skip lectures to watch cricket, apparently he was crazy about it and always said you aren't an Indian if you aren't mad over cricket. And I swear I would have starved to death was it not him. He was a phenomenal cook. But, fuck everything he made was so hot. He found our food so bland. He always complained about it. Don't even get me started on his morning singing. He'd walk around the room waking me up with his horrid singing. Sorry! I am talking a lot."

Sky scratched the back of his head sheepishly.

"No, no tell me more about your college days."

"You don't have to."

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