꧁ so close, yet so far ꧂

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It had been two days. None stop sword training. Taehyung had finished and learned most of the soldiers techniques, but there are a lot of soldiers techniques he still hadn't finished, so he tried to learn during that time span.

He didn't have anytime to go to Seokjins, because all he did was sword fight. He needed this. He wanted this. It was the only way he wouldn't be the laughing stock of the village, and a disgrace to his family.

It is the night before seokjin and Taehyungs little meet up at the real training grounds with the soldiers.

But Taehyung had been thinking. Was Seokjin going to make him fight a soldier to see if he was worthy?

Taehyung walked along, his sword in his pocket, invisible to anyone.

Taehyung than stoped when three familiar people stoped him.

"Look! It's the little twink!"
The same beta from before yelled, laughing.

"The little weak omega? Doesn't it look like you have gotten uglier these last few days?"
The other beta said, adding a smirk to his sentence.

The alpha stood his ground, looking down at Taehyung.
"Aww dont bully this little baby, he might run away and cry to his alpha. Oh wait, he rejected you!"
The alpha laughed.

The other two betas roared with laughter. Taehyung rolled his eyes. He really wanted to punch them for all they did to him.

"Go cry! Weak omega!"

And that was it. Taehyungs 'nice side' was no longer there. He felt vicious. And that's not supposed to heppen. Omegas are nice, and innocent, but oh, Taehyung did not feel like that, not in hell!

Taehyung grabbed the alphas collar, bringing him down to Taehyungs height.
"How would you like it if I broke your fucking lower back? Who are you going to cry too? Your omega?"
Taehyung sneered, adding calmness in his voice to sound more creepy.

The alphas eyes went wide, but shut down in anger, pulling away from Taehyungs small grasp.

"Wow! You finally got some kind of confidence?! But you have the nerve to talk back to me!"
The alpha yelled.

Taehyungs eyes went wide. What did he just do. Taehyung has been training, but Taehyung knows (thinks) that he can't beat an alpha! Thats phisicly and mentally impossible!

The alpha brang up his hand in a fist, about to punch the omega, when Taehyung dodged the hit.

The alpha just got madder, his eyes deepening, and his teeth biting his lips.

"Dodging? That's what you learned? Wow, the weak little omega actully learned something!"
One of the betas yelled.

The alpha brang his hand up again, quickly punching at the younger, but Taehyung knew better, dodging at that as well.

The alpha laughed.
"You can't live off dodging omega!"

Taehyung growled, jumping up in the sky, the moonlight shining on his back, bruh a beautiful scenery, until he dropped down, his hands turning into fists, and punching at the alpha.

The alpha lost his balance, falling into the floor. Taehyung landed calmly on the floor, than eyed the two betas.

The betas looked at each other, a bit nervous, but played it cool.
"H-hah! That's stupid! We know you still work like last time!"

The two betas raised there hands in fists, bringing them up to there chests,
"Come on stupid omega!"
The beta laughed.

Taehyung eyes his sword. He couldn't face two people, knowing the alpha would be up on his feet very soon. But he didn't want to just scare them away with his sword. That would be pretty unfair wouldn't it be?

But life has always been unfair to Taehyung, everyone had been unfair to Taehyung. First he was the ignored little omega, now the laughing stock omega because he got rejected by the prince himself.

Taehyung put his hand on his sword, slowly pulling it out of his pocket, the moon slowly shining onto the steel, lighting it up, making it glow.

The two betas eyes widened, both of them running away. Taehyung smirked, forgetting that the alpha was on the floor, getting up right now.

The alpha grabbed his foot, making Taehyung fall on the floor, his heat banging onto the cement block floors.

The alpha roared in laughter, walking away. Taehyungs eyes gave up on him. His head hurt so much from the bang. Taehyung slid the sword into his pocket, wanting to get up, but failing, passing out on the cold floor.

It was so close to a victory. So close. Taehyung was so close. But nothing. He failed.

So close, yet so far.

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