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Taehyung flinched, feeling himself wake up at a cold atmosphere, wanting to open his eyes but almost feeling like it is impossible.

Taehyung squirmed a a bit, his eyes finally opening just a bit, seeing he was in a fair place he hadn't ever seen in his life.

Taehyung looked to see he is covered in a white cotton blanket, looking up to see the room he is in is painted in all white, the furniture being so white and simple it kind of hurt to look at.

The curtains of the late window to the side of his bed are gold, fluttering in the wind, seeing it was dark out, like midnight. the lights were out, making the room dark and miserable.

Taehyung wanted to get up, but felt a shot of stinging pain hit into his stomach.

Taehyung dropped down back into the milky white sheets, slowly trying to move his hand onto his wounded stomach, to feel a wrapping around his stomach.

He tried to remember what had heppend, still trying to take in everything, what had heppen, What day it was, and much much more.

The first thing that came to his mind really struck him though.
Taehyung tried to scream, (bUt hIs hEaD wAs UnDeR wAtEr! I'm joking lol don't come at me)
But his scream just turned into a whisper, that could only be heard to his own self. What had heppend? Is Seokjin safe? Is the war still going on? Is the attack still on?

Taehyung tried to remember the lasts on what had happened.


"I- I fucking told you.. to stay in that tower!"
To Taehyung, it sounded harsh, but it also sounded very worrying, like Seokjin was scared for him.

Seokjin kneeled close, slowly lowering Taehyungs limp bloody body onto the floor, Seokjins hand still on Taehyungs waist, pulling him close.

The prince had fallen onto his knees, going close to the both of them, making Seokjin growl.

Taehyung wanted to scream from pain, but it seemed like his lips were chapped together.

"T-Tae its really you?"
The prince said, and for some reason, it was almost like Taehyung was familiar with this voice, almost like he heard it before somewhere-

Taehyungs eye lids were starting to close, getting more droopy during the seconds.
And Taehyung passed out. He knew the prince was about to say something, but Taehyung couldn't hear, his vision had gone black, and his hearing had turned bubbly, and lost.

Taehyung flinched at the memory. That actully heppend? Taehyung tried to turn his head, but felt it almost impossible. It felt as if he hadn't moved his body for days.

The omega froze when he heard the door open and close, someone walking in, and checking in on him.

"Oh my! Prince Taehyung! Your awake!"
A lady next to him had yelled.

'Prince? Is she talking to me?'

"Oh, right.. how are you feeling?"
The lady had said.
"I'm your doctor.."
She tried to tell him.

Taehyung finally moved his head a bit, looking at the doctor, and wincing. Was he at full maintenance or something? Why would a nurse come in and check on him at midnight.

"I-I.. w-where am I?"
Taehyungs voice came out rusty, dry, and deep, feeling empty, like his throat is so very dry and cold.

"Your at an infermery prince"
The lady had said.

Taehyung wanted to ask why she kept referring to him as 'prince' but Taehyung had passed out before he could say anything.


Taehyung woke up, just to feel like he wasn't alone. He memories once again flooded back, and Taehyung shotted up, his back roaring with pain, making the poor omega whimper.

"Taehyung your awake?!"

The yell sounded worriying but also mad. It is Seokjin. Seokjin is sitting on the window sill, watching as the towns people start to wake up, at around 6 am, the sun going up, but his mind was filled with all the glory that had heppend.

Seokjin tumbled off the window running over to Taehyung, and for some reason, Taehyung was to think Seokjin was going to attack him, but instead, Seokjin put his hands around Taehyungs wounded stomach, and waist, letting Taehyung out his head onto Seokjins shoulder, Seokjin hugging him close.

But that's when Seokjin noticed what he was doing, flinging himself off of Taehyung.

"Sorry- Wait I shouldn't be sorry! How the hell  did you get out of that tower?!"
Seokjin growled, yelling.

"I... umm kind of climbed it down"
Taehyungs voice felt stretchy, and dry, hurting at every time he whistled out.

Seokjins eyes widened, knowing what a crazy thing that was. Seokjin just growled, leaving the room without another word.

Taehyung wanted to get up and go after him, but it was like his body was glued to the bed, and his limbs and muscles just gave up on him.

Someone yelled, only for Taehyung to ship his soar head up, just to see it was someone he wasn't expecting.


Thank you all for 2k views! I'm so happy ☺️😭🌸

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