why m3?

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"Your the guy who tried to hurt seokjin! And stabbed me!"
Taehyung screamed, wanting to run, he wasn't going to give this guy another chance to stab him!

"Wait calm down! Please let me explain!"
The prince yelled, worried.
"I would never hurt my little brother on purpose!"

Taehyung froze. Little brother? He never had a older brother? Taehyung was always a only child.. well that's how it was?

"Liar! I don't have a older brother! Or really another sibling at all!"
Taehyung spit out.

"That's because you don't know the full story! Please listen!"
The prince guy sat on the side of Taehyungs bed, looking at him worryingly.

Taehyung just nodded, noting that he was listening, still very confused, and in pain.

"Alright.. when you were born, I was only three years old. And at that time, if the queen were to have a baby, it would be taken away by the other side, either killed or enslaved. But your mother wanted none of that, she loves you. So she put you in a little cradle, letting you out into a river, flowing to your parents now."

Taehyung just sat there. His eyes widened, and his brain feeling messed up.
"No.. that can't be true!"

"It is.. I've been watching you ever since.. remember me? The black hooded guy you met? That was me. I had to make sure you were kept safe.. even if I didn't really.. I'm sorry."
The prince seemed like he wasn't lying, his body language and the way his eyes shined, made Taehyung think it was true, and it was.

"It's true honey"
Taehyungs 'mother' walked in, playing with her fingers, feeling very ashamed of lying.

"Me and your father could never have children because I was wounded when I was little.. we thought of adopting.. but I found you in that river and decided to take you in.."
His 'mother' told him, sitting on the side of Taehyungs bed.

Taehyung couldn't believe it.  His whole life was truest just a lie he loved upon? He was truly a prince? Supposed to live in a palace? Have a older brother? But here he was, hearing it now? He's nineteen for gods sake.. and to think for nineteen years he'd been told the same lie for years to come?

"Get out."
Taehyung said firmly.

"Taehyung we-"
Before his 'mother' could finish, Taehyung cut her off.
"GET OUT! NOW! Just leave me alone..."
While his 'mom' and the prince made there way out, shutting the door gently behind them, Taehyung just later his head back, wanting to crawl up in a ball, but that was out of his reach. Taehyung just cried.

He couldn't believe it. How can someone's life change so fast in such time? First he had been heart broken by his abuseive last boyfriend, who had hurt him and cheated on him, Than he had gotten a mate that couldn't care less about the boy, than he had to fight his way through to come out as 'not weak', than he saved Seokjin from being stabbed, only to be yelled at by Seokjin, than to see he was actully a prince, and had a second family. And was the war still even going on?

"Oh why me?"
He mumbled, his eyes giving up on him, letting out one more tear before dropping down and slowly letting the boy peacefully sleep, his mind still poisoned with all his thoughts and anxiety.


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