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Taehyung and Seokjin chocked, both of there eyes going wide.

"...take some time alone to think about it... we'll take our leave..."
Taehyungs mother proceeded to say, gathering out her courage to kiss her sons forehead, and taking her husband and oldest son to leave.

"I will be taking my leave as well..."
The king, Seokjins father replied, leaving the room.

Now it was only seokjin and Taehyung.

Taehyung had so many thoughts evolving in his head, all not knowing what he wanted.

'A marriage? They want me to marry... Seokjin? Hyung? They want me to... That's crazy!... but.. a life with Seokjin Hyung? Before that seemed like a hell hound.. but now, it almost seems like Seokjin is a changed person, he cares for me.. he's so nice. It.. a marriage though? To have a life fully with Seokjin.. children to? But.. I can't be selfish. This is for the kingdoms. If we were to both say no.. wouldn't that mean no peace for the rest of the kingdom? That wouldn't be fair...'
Taehyung thought to himself, not realizing Seokjin was leaving the room.

"Hey tae.. I'm.. gonna go. Take your time to think about everything.. and don't be so caught up about the kingdoms and peace.. just think about what you want okay?"
Seokjin softly smiled at Taehyung, before leaving out the door, slowly closing it behind him.

Taehyung laid his head on the pillow below him, his head starting to hurt, Taehyung groaned.

"Y'know what? Im just going to run away"
Taehyung thought to himself, laughing a bit.

It wasn't a true idea, Taehyung wasn't really planning on running away, after all he did carry the bloodline of a prince, but still, the thought made him giggle.

But for some reason, if he were to think of running away, the thought of Seokjin always blocked it. It seemed like if he wanted to go on the run, his mind would go directly to his Hyung, and see them together on the run.

Taehyung sighed, bringing up one hand and stretching it out to play with his hair.

Did he really want to take his life just to have pups and be a prince? He was saving both kingdoms a lot of trouble, but did he really want it?

Taehyung did not see Seokjin, as his Hyung, but savor his life away from freedom?

Taehyungs eyes followed he ticks from the clock that stood on the wall, making him feel unsteady.

"Hey tae..."
Namjoon has entered the room, slowly sitting next to Taehyung.

Taehyung got up, straightening his back.
"Oh.. hi Hyung"

Namjoon smiled, patting the younger's back, feeling a bit awkward talking to his brother.

"Y'know... I know the decision is very hard.."
Namjoon started.
"My- our parents.. they wanted me to get married early."

Taehyung looked up at Namjoon.
"They told me.. they didn't care if he was from the village.. they just wanted me to fall in love so they could make sure the blood line in or family doesn't change.."
Namjoon chuckled.

"So.. I decided I'd check in one the village here and there. I'd help around at bakery's, little shops... and that's where I found.. an omega"
Namjoon looked down at his lap, smiling a bit.

"He works as a florist.. and as a barista. His family owns a small shop in the middle of he village. A shop that's smells like lavender and dandileins when you first get in.. you could either get coffee or buy flowers.. and I fell in love with the store.. and the boy behind the counter"

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