Draco Malfoy

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You wanted to sleep. You wanted to sleep so bad but your eyes could never stay closed for longer than about three minutes. Insomnia was a bitch and you wished that it would leave you. Every night was the same, get ready for bed, close your eyes and wait for the blanket of sleep to overcome you. It never did.

Tonight was no different, however instead of wandering around aimlessly, you ended up making your way to the astronomy tower. Once you arrived there, you placed yourself down on the wooden floor and gazed at the stars above you. It was calming, peaceful. That was until a voice oh-so familiar voice tore the peace away from you.

“What are you doing here, L/D?” The platinum blond boy snapped, making you flinch from the unexpected noise.

“It’s an astronomy tower. So, you know, looking at the stars?” You replied, not bothering to face his direction, instead still looking at the twinkling orbs.

“Leave.” He said bluntly.

“You don’t own the astronomy tower, Malfoy. You can’t tell me to leave.” You rolled your eyes at him before adding, “You’re welcome to sit with me if you want.”

Draco stared blankly at the back of your head, slightly confused, but more annoyed than anything. “Why would I want to sit with you? Filthy little Mudblood.”

The boy expected to see you burst into tears, or get angry. But you didn’t. You continued to stare at the stars above you. He thought that perhaps you hadn’t actually heard him, but that was quickly dismissed when you made a noise that correlated to a sarcastic ‘haha’.

Draco wanted to yell at you, tell you to move. But he didn’t. He simply clenched his fist and walked away annoyed. You smiled to yourself briefly when you heard a huff and footsteps getting further and further away from you, signalling that the Slytherin Prince had walked away.


You were currently sitting in the Great Hall in conversation with one of your friends. Draco watched you from his table, not really knowing why. Ever since that night at the astronomy tower, he was conflicted, confused. Normally if he called someone a mudblood, they would start crying or run away, but you didn’t do anything. He was intrigued by you. He noticed the way your eyes sparkled when you were talking about something you were obviously interested in, how Y/H/C fell perfectly over your shoulders, and that smile, Merlin that smi--he stopped himself from carrying on that thought, not liking where it was going to go.

Whilst you were talking to your friend, you could sense someone watching you. You briefly looked over to the Slytherin table, only to see none other than Draco Malfoy looking over to your table. For a second you thought that he was looking at you, but he looked away almost instantly. You dismissed it and continued on talking to your friend.

Draco, on the other hand, he was torn. He didn’t know what was happening. He didn’t know what he was feeling. Why did he walk away that night at the astronomy tower? Why did he look away when you caught his eye? What the hell is happening?

Once you finished your food, you bid your friend goodbye and walked out the Great Hall. The blond boy saw this, and followed you. He wanted to talk to you. No, he needed to talk to you. You must have slipped him a love potion or something, because there is no way he liked you, a mudblood.

“L/N” A voice shouted your name causing you to swivel around. You rolled your eyes when you realised who it was.

“You called?” You raised your eyebrows at him, folding your arms over your chest. Draco looked around before pulling you into a cupboard of some kind.

“Uh, what the hell?” You said, looking at him. Draco narrowed your eyes at you before saying, “Stop it.”

You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, not knowing what he was talking about. “Stop what?” You asked. Draco looked at you like you knew what he was talking about.

You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, not knowing what he was talking about. “Stop what?” You asked. Draco looked at you like you knew what he was talking about.

“You know.” He replied, making you shake your head

“No, I don’t know. So, care to enlighten me?” You run your fingers through Y/H/C hair, sighing in annoyance.

“You’ve been slipping me something haven't you?” He said, accusatorially. “What was it? A love potion? Something the Weasley twins brewed for you?”

You looked at him, now even more confused than before. “I honestly have no idea what you’re going on about.” Why would you even consider giving him a love potion?

“Admit it!” Draco shouted.

“Admit what?!” You shouted back, making him flinch a little bit. “I haven’t slipped you anything so stop fucking accusing me.” You were fed up to say the least. You just wanted to go back to your dorm for a little bit, before your next class.

You watched Draco furrow his eyebrows and that’s when you realised something. “Wait a minute. Do you--do you like me?”

“What? Of course not.” He said in disgust, which hurt you more than you cared to admit. In all honesty, you liked him. Well, loved.  Even though he called you names, and sometimes did do some pretty terrible things to you, you knew that that wasn’t the real Draco Malfoy. It was the way he was brought up, he was conditioned to think that anyone who isn’t a pureblood should be treated badly. You could tell it was a facade, that there was a different Draco Malfoy underneath it. And that’s who you fell in love with.

“Tell me how you feel about me right now.” You spoke softly. For some reason, Draco did what you said. He explained what he felt when he watched you at the table and how he felt right then. Again, he didn’t know why he revealed all of it, but something about the way you spoke made him. Like you were brainwashing him.

You absorbed everything he said, every detail. And you were shocked to say the least. You were half joking, half being serious before so this surprised you. And by the look on Draco’s face, it surprised him.

“Yeah, I think you like me.” You looked him in his grey/silvery eyes and you could see them soften under your gaze.

“How?” He replied in a surprisingly gentle tone. “How can I like you? We’re the complete opposites.”

“Opposites attract, I guess.” You shrugged. “Because I, uh, kind of like you too.”

Draco watched you worry your bottom lip between your teeth, which he found sweet. And in that moment, he also realised that he did like you.

“Like light and dark.” He said in reply to your previous statement. You looked up at the blond and grinned at him.

“That they do.”

Draco smiled at you before pulling you into a bone-crushing hug, all of his emotions and feelings spilling out of him and onto you. He may not have been perfect, but to you, he was. You were the sun and moon, fire and rain, light and dark.

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