Dating Harry Potter Would Include

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• harry is very shy when it comes to girls

• and very oblivious bless him

• so if you like him then there’s a good chance that you’re going to have to woman up and tell him yourself cause god is that boy clueless

• but if you’re shy about feelings and things then eventually hermione would have enough of him pining over you and tell him to get a grip and confess

• bc wow it’s annoying when she’s trying to have a conversation with him and he’s too busy staring at you

• whatever way it happens you two go on a date into hogsmeade ( the bad experience makes harry insist you both stay away from madam puddifoots)

• it’s quite like a basic date but neither you or harry care

• you both talk about everything and anything

not so subtle flirting

•when you get back to hogwarts the two of you really don’t want it to be over so you both just keep walking around the castle grounds over and over

• until you can’t anymore as it’s getting late and everyone has to be in bed

• if you aren’t in gryffindor harry will walk you back and he considers himself a gentleman so he doesn’t kiss you even though he badly wants to

• but you give him a kiss on the cheek and straight away he’s blushing

• if you are in gryffindor you both walk back to the common room together and will probably sit and talk some more

• then you’ll give him a kiss on the cheek before you go to your dormitory

• after this date you both are inseparable

• the slytherins start making up little songs and tease you both but honestly neither of you care you’re in such a little loved up bubble

• but if they ever took it too far boy would harry get angry

• subtle pda

• can you imagine like the slightly awkward first kiss and you both pull away and are blushing messes omg

• he worries about you quite a lot

• and you worry about him too bc unlike yourself, he has a tendency to be almost killed

• snape splits you up in potions as your company makes harry pay even less attention than usual

• and also he’s just snape like it’s expected

• a lot of cheeky comments from him

• which you just roll your eyes at but you love it really

• to annoy him you always ruffle his hair to make it even messier than usual

• you always cheer the loudest at his quidditch games

• he introduces you to sirius and he loves you

• when sirius dies you’re the only one harry feels he can properly open up to

• on school holidays harry often comes to yours

• or if he goes to the burrow molly says he can bring you

• and she thinks the both of you are the cutest thing

• afternoons with hagrid

• deep talks out by the black lake

• harry says i love you first

• the both of you become like an agony aunt couple that people come to for advice

• most of the time it’s just ron and hermione though

• LOTS of compliments

• once you progress in your relationship you take baths together

• not even for sexual reasons it’s just relaxing especially if harry has had a bad day

• you wash his hair for him

• being a little disappointed in him after he hurts draco but you know he never would have cast that spell knowing what it would do

• you help him get rid of the half blood princes book after that

• he has quite a bit of money that he doesn’t know what to do with so he gets you a lot of presents

• even when you voice your disapproval he won’t stop

• always staying up late with him when he has to finish homework

• lots of cuddles

• he wouldn’t admit to it but sometimes he just loves being held

• and you know but decide not to mention it

• playful arguments

• defending him whenever someone badmouths him

• you’re his safe place

• you’re his date to bill and fleurs wedding and as soon as the death eaters arrive he just gives you this hurried, desperate goodbye kiss and tells you to disapparate

• this makes him a little grouchy when he, ron and hermione leave bc he doesn’t know for certain that your safe

• they notice a BIG change in his mood when he finds out you’re fine

• but he still wishes he could be there for you

• when he takes watches outside the tent he just sits and watches you on the maurderers map (if you’re back at hogwarts)

• when he comes back to hogwarts you both have on of those soppy cliché reunions where you just jump into his arms

• you break down the moment you see him in hagrids arms it feels like your world is crumbling down

• literally letting out a cry of joy when you see he’s alive but it doesn’t last long as he’s soon battling voldemort

• you feel your heart jumping in your chest the full time

• you feel your heart jumping in your chest the full time

• you’re so proud when he wins

• once it’s all over he just runs straight to you

• you barely leave each other’s side for like 6 months after that you’re attached at the hip

• growing old together and loving each other forever more❤️

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