Cedric Diggory

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You were cheering at first, clapping your hands in joy when you saw Harry and Cedric had both made it back alive, though, in a mere few seconds your happiness was washed over and replaced with horror when you noticed Harry was sobbing and Cedric had not moved from his place on the ground.

You had Hermione on your left and Ron on your right. Cedric’ father stood in the row in front of you. As People’s cheers began to die, loud murmurs took over, the kind of murmurs where you couldn’t hear what anyone was talking about, just a loud rumble to voices.

You began pushing your way through people to the front, tears blurring your vision as you feared the worst for the boy you loved.

Cedric’s father was behind you in an instant, helping you push through people. He loved you like a daughter already and he, along with many others, thought you and Cedric would be together forever.

Funny thing forever is, because people my say forever, but does one ever know when forever is going to end, you didn’t expect to loose Cedric today, you didn’t think your love story would be cut so short so sudden, you didn’t even get a taste of the future, so forever didn’t mean anything in your situation.

You saw your father, Professor Snape, trying to move everyone quickly back to their seats. He was unaware of you dating your fellow hufflepuff. It truly was a surprise to everyone that the daughter of Severus Snape was a hufflepuff, you were almost the complete opposite of your father and it was rather obvious in your soft nature and protective instincts.

 You continued to try to push through people, hearing different parts of different peoples conversations, but above all the murmurs you heard five words. “A boys just been killed”

Tears began began plummeting down your cheeks, your threw yourself onto the ground next to Cedric, sobbing against his lifeless body.

Cedric’s father had fallen to his knees, shouting. He had just lost his son, but you had drowned out his pain filled shouts and cries, only hearing the soft sound of Cedric's voice, him telling you he loved you just hours ago, it filled your senses until the thoughts of your imagination were broken by the sound of someone saying your name.

“Y/n” you heard Snape say, looking down at you. You ignored him as you held onto your lover.

“Y/n, you need to get up, we must move his body” he urged, but you wouldn’t move. You continued to sob against Cedric’s lifeless body, his eyes were wide open, he might’ve died scared but you knew he died proudly an courageously, your continues streak of tears began wetting his black and yellow shirt, identical to the one you were wearing, his name printed across the back, he gave it to you so people knew you were his at the beginning of the triwazard tournament.

Of course, when wearing it you had previously avoided your father, scared of what he would think about your relationship with the hufflepuff Quidditch captain, but in this moment, you obviously didn’t care. It still smelled of him.

Your father then sighed, bending down to haul you up from around your stomach. Tugging you along as he tried to take you inside the castle.

Your pain-filled screams and shrieks tore through your body and ripped out your throat as you tried to get back to him, your cries turned heads, people’s sympathetic stares fell onto you as tears plummeted down your cheeks.

“NO” you roared, escaping from his arms and almost throwing yourself back to Cedric.

He caught you first, pulling you against your will as you yelled and tried to throw yourself out of his arms.

“CEDRIC… please….NO….” you were screaming, you couldn’t breathe. Your sobs racked your body in tremendous shakes. You were heaving outside the gates of the castle, your father rubbing your back as you finally emptied the contents of your stomach onto the old stone ground.

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