Cedric Diggory

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The five times we almost kissed
i. the world cup

You’re overjoyed to conclude your summer holidays with attending the Quidditch World cup. And who better than with your best friends, the Weasley twins? Fred and George had invited you to come along with their family and Ron’s best friends.

Of course, it doesn’t hurt that you’re joined by the Diggory’s either. You and Cedric aren’t incredibly close, being in different houses as well as you being quite shy and all, but you did have the pleasure of encountering the Hufflepuff prefect on multiple occasions during your time at Hogwarts. He’s handsome, smart, and incredibly kind.

And yet you seem to become a complete flustered fool around him, usually keeping your interactions to a minimum to avoid making yourself out to be a total idiot. In retrospect, you mentally end up kicking yourself every time for rushing away so quickly when it seemed like he actually wanted to keep talking to you.

You’re quite proud of yourself for not doing the same today, although that might be because you’re all sticking together, but it’s still progress.

“Nowhere to run now, Y/N,” Fred had teased you earlier as your cheeks grew warm enough to boil water.

It’s now post game, and Fred and George are off celebrating their big win, the rest of the younger ones are in the tent, and the two fathers are out for drinks, leaving you and Cedric walking about. You finally have a real conversation with him and it turns out you have a lot in common.

You could stay up all night talking to him, but you also don’t want to worry the others by coming back at an ungodly hour— despite it already being just that. Being the gentleman that he is, Cedric insists on walking you back to the tent, stopping outside the entrance before wishing you a good night.

“I’m glad we finally got to have a proper conversation,” Cedric admits, a slight blush appearing on his cheeks to compliment his winning smile. “I’ve actually been wanting to talk to you for a while now.”

“Really?” A heat creeps its way onto your own cheeks as you avert your gaze from his bashfully.

“Yeah. You’re quiet, but the fastest chaser I’ve ever seen,” he chuckles, nervously running a hand through his hair. “And you’re certainly as kind and clever as Fred and George said you’d be.”

“So you’ve been asking about me?” You turn to him with a cheeky smile and an eyebrow raised as you arrive at the entrance of your tent. You’re not sure what it is, but you’ve taken a bit of confidence boost after getting to know him better.

“Uh, yeah,” he admits, biting back a bashful grin. You’re about to tease him a little, but then he does that thing where he averts his eyes to the ground and brings them back up to meet yours through his thick lashes and you’re left speechless.

It’s like you’ve completely forgotten how to use words and time slows down as he takes a step towards you and brings up a hand to tuck a loose strand to the side. His hand lingers on your jaw for a moment, and your heart rate starts to pick up. You think he might kiss you goodnight.

But then it starts: a riot. You jump back at the sound of breaking glass and you’re eyes go wide when you see flames rising in the horizon.

“Y/N—” His voice gets drowned out by your friends rushing out of the tent and you don’t get so much as a ‘goodbye’ as they pull you away to safety.

ii. the goblet

You’ve always been quite close to the golden trio, and they often come to you for help since you’re quite advanced in your magic and you know a lot about the castle. Kind of like a big sister to balance out the twins being mischievous older brothers. So when you bump into Harry after scene with his name emerging from the goblet of fire, your first instinct is to make sure you know his side of the story.

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